Discussion topic: Mast down for 3 weeks

This message was authored by SPBR83 This message was authored by: SPBR83

Mast down for 3 weeks



The phone mast onsite (it won't let me put in a postcode!) has been down for 3 weeks, this is the 4th week. When looking this up it says they need access from the landlord. That was never the issue o2 have spent a day here looking at it then left without saying anything to anyone. I've complained to o2 directly but they won't talk to me because I'm not an o2 customer.

Don't know what else to do it's causing quite a bit of frustration in the local area.




All Replies

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sadly as a customer there is nothing you can do as it is up to the mast owner (which is not Sky) to deal  with the landlord and make the repairs required.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
Topic Author
This message was authored by SPBR83 This message was authored by: SPBR83

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Hi, sorry I work on the site and there is no issue with the landlord. O2 have been and just left it for nearly 4 weeks not working. We cannot use the service we pay for in this area for 9 hours a day and we're meant to just accept that. Wow!

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Once is has been repaired you can approach Sky to ask them for a credit to be applied for the number of days you have had no service but other than contacting Sky to find out if they know of anything then there isn't much you can do.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by Ally14 This message was authored by: Ally14

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Which area is this in?  I have had a no signal on my phone at home for two weeks now, can't make any calls and I guess can't receive them either.  


I can't speak to Sky online as they don't seem to have a human chat anymore and can't call out.  I am working from home today and can't access half my work stuff as need to get a text code and guess what.... can't get that either

Topic Author
This message was authored by SPBR83 This message was authored by: SPBR83

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Snodland, Kent.

Topic Author
This message was authored by SPBR83 This message was authored by: SPBR83

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

But they are not repairing it. Surely sky can contact o2 to check the status of the repair or do we just sit and wait forever without knowing anything. It's ridiculous.

This message was authored by Ally14 This message was authored by: Ally14

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

God knows, i am beyond livid just now 

This message was authored by Tylerliam1 This message was authored by: Tylerliam1

Re: Mast down for 3 weeks

Yeah im in same area and same problem.  I have to go outside to talk on the phone.... and we are in 2024 (rolls eyes)



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