Discussion topic: Make a payment on sky mobile

This message was authored by KatieG16 This message was authored by: KatieG16

Make a payment on sky mobile

What happenes when I make an additional payment on my sky mobile. Does the monthly amount reduce or does the term reduce?


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Make a payment on sky mobile

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you make a payment against the device then it reduces the amount you owe so the length of the contract doesn't change neither does what you pay each month as explained here:




Any extra payments you make will go towards paying off your final monthly instalments first. This means, the credit agreement repayment furthest in the future, not necessarily next month’s instalment.

For example, if you've got 6 months left of a 36-month agreement, the payment will go towards the 36th repayment, then the 35th repayment and so on, not the 30th repayment.


You should also call Sky on the number shown on that link to make such a payment.

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This message was authored by ExpertOAustin This message was authored by: ExpertOAustin

Re: Make a payment on sky mobile

So if you make a specific payment on the account it reduces the term of the contract. So it starts clearing your bills from the last installment. 

This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: Make a payment on sky mobile

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yes @ExpertOAustin  thats correct 



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