Discussion topic: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

This message was authored by PoorSignal1 This message was authored by: PoorSignal1

Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

Due to signal issues when at home I have been trying to get wifi calling working on Sky Mobile.  My phone says it will do it, and Sky Mobile say they support it, but it just did not work.  Simply the option to turn it on was noy where it should be in my phones settings.  All searches said this is the case when the service provider does not support Sky Mobile.


The issue became more urgent when we totally lost the mobile signal at home, so when at home I could not use my phone at all.  Sky were completely unhelpful trying to solve this.


So the solution?  Switch to a different provider.


So I signed up with 1pMobile.  Their SIM arrived today and instantly the wifi calling option was where it should be in settings and it just works making and receibing calls by wifi.  Thus proving the phone was indeed capable of wifi calling, it is Sky Mobile that is not.


So if you have the same problem not able to get wifi calling and Sky can't help, then vote with your feet.


I hope one day they will learn the value of customer service and learn some technical competence to make something like wifi calling simple, as it is with other providers, or at least stop pretending it is a service they offer.






All Replies

This message was authored by Alan10111 This message was authored by: Alan10111

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I had the same problem with my Google Pixel. I have Sky everything but they said Google phones were not supported although they would look into it. After 9 months I gave up and moved to a provider that had Wifi Calling enabled using my Sky router. I was very happy with Sky Mobile but they were noit willing to pursue a solution that must affect many customers.


This message was authored by NeilHamp This message was authored by: NeilHamp

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I'm having exactly the same problem. WiFi calling on sky mobile simply doesn't work on my phone. I have a redmi 8. I was assured WiFi calling would work. Just moved from EE which worked perfectly well.  Sky persuaded me to move with a cheaper price. We rely solely on WiFi calling where we live. So accessing emergency services is impossible. Nearly impossible to talk too as we have no signal. Going to a sky shop tomorrow to tell them what I think.

This message was authored by NeilHamp This message was authored by: NeilHamp

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

Should read.......We rely solely on WiFi calling where we live. So accessing emergency services is impossible. Nearly impossible to talk to  SKY as we have no signal. Going to a sky shop tomorrow to tell them what I think.

This message was authored by Brian+Ellis This message was authored by: Brian+Ellis

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

Wifi calling only works on Sky mobile if you purchase one of their handsets.


I don't know how they block it for non sky handsets or if there's a way round it?

This message was authored by Hogshawrabbit This message was authored by: Hogshawrabbit

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

A very dissapoiting service provided by SKY mobile regards WiFi calling. My old and I mean old like 4 years Samsung A40 was working just fine with SKY wifi calling and I did not buy the phone from SKY. I transferred my account from EE. So everything working great until I buy a new 2023 Moto Edge 30 Neo all singing and dancing 2023 5G device. Now Wifi calling option is missing :-((((( Looks like I am in the same trap everyone here has fallen into with SKY mobile and Wifi calling. No support 😞 a disgrace. 

This message was authored by DanBaiUK This message was authored by: DanBaiUK

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I too have a pixel 8, it works perfectly on EE but not Sky.  Sky must actively block this function on phones not sold by Sky.  Total disgrace in my opinion.

This message was authored by Hogshawrabbit This message was authored by: Hogshawrabbit

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

This blocking I guess is based on the phones EMEI number. Thinking of it my A40 was not from the UK I bought it off ebay. My new Edge 30 neo was bought in the UK. I guess we're being discriminated as UK customers. It's very poor from Sky. Anyway don't fear ASDA which is Vodafone has WiFi calling and great prices. Like £5 a month for 3Gb data, free EU roaming. Plus where I live my Sky O2 data speed is 10mbps the ASDA sim is 100mbps. No brainer just switch.
This message was authored by NeilHamp This message was authored by: NeilHamp

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

It's absolutely pointless using this forum if Sky mobile are going to do nothing to rectify the problem. It's clear that they don't care. Money grabbing over quality of service. If anyone out there relies on WiFi calling then I can recommend ID mobile. It works brilliantly. 



This message was authored by Hogshawrabbit This message was authored by: Hogshawrabbit

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I feel this Sky Mobile no WiFi calling for certain phones needs an update as today we have lost our Mobile phone masts to vandalism. So without WiFi calling no texts or phone and since some services need SMS for security codes etc.. this is now not a nice to have but a necessity. So again I have been looking into SIM services. It appears here O2 and Voda share a mast. 3 & EE share another mast. So thinking we had resilience by having the SKY O2 SIM and Vodafone I am now aware we do not as they share masts here. So I looked into SMARTY the THREE service and its even cheaper than ASDA (Voda) and has WiFi calling and free EU roaming. So I am afraid SKY your done I am off even though I have 300Gb in my Piggy Bank. There's no point in having loads of data if you can't use it and when you can the 4G service is poor too. 

So SKY you need to sharpen your pencils.

This message was authored by Hogshawrabbit This message was authored by: Hogshawrabbit

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I agree Neil that the 3 Network is better and has WiFi calling via ID, however I had a problem with them a few months back regards ordering a SIM for my mother. We set up the DD for a £5 service monthly based and the next day they cancelled the DD and gave no explanation. We called to no avail so frustrated we both left their network due to this very poor service. Anyway I am back with the 3 network via the owners Hutchinson Whampoa (SMARTY). Again a 1 month contract SIM only and just fantastic value. From £4 to £18 for unlimited eveything with 5G, WiFi calling, Free EU data roaming .... etc.. Yes walk away from SKY the service is poor. 

This message was authored by cmclernon This message was authored by: cmclernon

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I've the same issue....Google Pixel 6, not bought from Sky - moved specifically for the wi-fi calling and it isn't provisioned, as per the *#*#4696#*#* phone information.


I've ordered ASDA SIM cards for my wife and I.  Sky support said everything was set up correctly with the SIM and it must be a network glitch.  Waiting the said amount of time and reseting network settings, turning off, remove SIM, clean, re-install hasn't fixed it - although I kinda knew that was going to be the case with all the people having the same issue on the community.


Anyway, if they actually look at the community and see the amount of people leaving due to their rule/config....maybe they'll reconsider.  They mustn't realise people change networks for deals without the need to change phones. 😩


Anyway, we're off after 3 days on the network. 😂 

This message was authored by nicky15 This message was authored by: nicky15

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

I do have wifi calling on my phone - it works pretty much everywhere apart from at home with our Sky hub.  We rang Sky, who checked the router and said nothing was wriong -it might be the phone. We had a brief time when we could get it again at home but that has dropped off again. Both my phone and husband's phone find wifi calling at home very flaky but it is fine elsewhere, so it must be something to do with SKy and their equipment. Going to try phoning Sky again.

This message was authored by Hogshawrabbit This message was authored by: Hogshawrabbit

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

Hi, have you tried forcing WiFi calling by Turning on Airplane mode & WiFi. This stops the SIMS working and by re-turning on WiFi fools the phone to try Wifi calling.

My old Samsung A40 with Sky had a feature to 'prioritise' Wifi calling over Mobile but as per this fourums discussion our new phones are blocked from Wifi calling by Sky. That said most WiFi calling services only kick in when the mobile network signal is off or very low. So you might be getting enough mobile signal to stop Wifi calling kicking in. 

When were at home we now always do this trick to force Wifi calling as our mobile signal is hit and miss but Wifi calling is very stable and clear.

Hope this works for you.

This message was authored by PappaPete This message was authored by: PappaPete

Re: Finally a solution to wifi calling not working on Sky Mobile.

Have now been talking to Sky for over 2 years about WiFi calling. I have tried to be patient with the absolutely useless conversations I have had with countless people who just read complete dross from a script, the last straw and my final conversation with Sky, I was told to change this setting, turn this on and off, reboot phone. I had to explain than any of these would terminate my call and pointed out it IS NOT a problem with my phone. They do not understand that Wi Fi calling is NOT a phone problem but a Sky problem. Check your phone manufacturers websites to confirm your phone is capable of WiFi calling. Anyway I can confirm after 2 years of getting more and more frustrated with Sky I have moved to Asda mobile. Immediately on insertion of the Asda SIM all of the things that you don't get with Sky appeared in settings, 5g, and after a seven day activation guess what, WiFi calling is there. So don't listen to anymore rubbish from Sky, they will find any excuse not to send the updated carrier service settings to your phone, switch to a different supplier.


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