Discussion topic: Sky kids app going on 10 june

This message was authored by Bec15 This message was authored by: Bec15

Re: Sky kids app going on 10 june

These are great if you are home all day with your child but what if you are out and about, travelling etc and they need to be played on the move? You can't access any games on Sky Go app!

This message was authored by Barry7878 This message was authored by: Barry7878

Goodbye sky,....

agreed with other comments here. Sky really knows how to upset 4 yr olds. Well done Sky! We are cancelling our subscription now anyway. There are so many more affordable options and one of the things keeping sky going in our house was the kids app games, which now seems to have disappeared! Oh well, will save us a small fortune each month! Good bye sky...

This message was authored by Fleischyy This message was authored by: Fleischyy

Re: Sky kids app going on 10 june

just here to add my voice. The sky kids app was a fantastic way of ensuring safe video and game content for my kids. Retiring it with no adequate repalcement is criminial.

This message was authored by SarahKnitter This message was authored by: SarahKnitter

Re: Sky kids app going on 10 june

I will be complaining to Sly directly as well. Completely flabbergasted that they've removed Sky Kids. In no way is Sky Go a direct replacement for it! My daughter had Sky Kids on her Amazon Fire tablet, but there's no way I can put Sky Go on there. There's childrens profile, so the home page is currently plastered with The Penguin, Law & Order, Hounds of War... Completely inappropriate for a 5yo!


She wasn't that bothered about the games, but she could use the Kids interface and was only offered age-appropriate content. Now she's without all her favourite Sky shows. Mind boggling decisions from Sky to remove what was a massive benefit to their services. 

This message was authored by SallyFST This message was authored by: SallyFST

Re: Sky kids app going on 10 june

I've only noticed today this has gone and I'm now paying £7 per month not £5 for less!! (removed)  😠

MODERATOR NOTE: Inappropriate language removed.


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