Discussion topic: Sky Go has REALLY BIG problems with Windows 11

This message was authored by Cindy+Maloney This message was authored by: Cindy+Maloney

Sky Go has REALLY BIG problems with Windows 11

Sky Go Desktop app has really bad problems with Windows 11. For weeks now, I have been getting multiple app crashes and error messages pop up before it even loads. 

When it eventually opens, I am lucky if it loads. It either gets stuck on a black screen, blue screen or play sign screen and never loads. Sometimes i do have success, but even then I get awful screen tearing on live streams. 

I've tried both production and beta version (Although to install the beta version, I had to find a direct link to and old beta version and let it update. If I switched from production to beta in app to try and update, it just hung and pegged all of my download bandwidth untill I killed the process)


Complete uninstall/reinstall


Fresh Windows install 


Support have been utterly useless and just giving the same troubleshooting steps each time. 

How can an app be developed so badly by a company that take hundreds of pounds of each individiual subscriber on  yearly basis?


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This message was authored by Cindy+Maloney This message was authored by: Cindy+Maloney

Re: Sky Go has REALLY BIG problems with Windows 11

@KevNewMedia You seem to be the only Sky employee that reviews this forum. I see multiple reports of the same issues but no updates around investigation or fix. 

Can you look into this please?


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