22 Nov 2024 11:54 AM
I watch Sky Go on my Apple Mac Desktop Computer. It's a Retina 4K on the Sequoia 15.1.1 platform. In the last four weeks Sky Go has dropped out frequently. Has anyone else had similar problems watching Sky Go on their desktop computer? If yes, were you able to resolve it and how?
23 Nov 2024 09:09 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
08 Dec 2024 12:10 PM
I had several lengthy chats with a couple of your experts in November concerning Sky Go dropping out when I watched it on my Apple iMAC and I was informed that the issue was to be referred to your tecehnical team and I would learn of their findings in due course. I've heard nothing since and I have that feeling that I'm being palmed off. Any comments? By the way, Sky Go is dropping out with even more regularity now!
08 Dec 2024 12:10 PM
That's 'technical'
08 Dec 2024 03:13 PM
Constantly happening since the last update.
The only thing I can advice people is when it crashes, and OS X pops up whether to send the crash report to Apple.... SEND IT.
If the Sky customers that pay for a service aren't listened to, maybe Apple will start contacting them.
08 Dec 2024 05:47 PM
Thanks for your advice trendkill82. To be fair, the Sky experts I was in communication with were as helpful as they could be, however, with no resolution of the issue they referred it to the technical team. Furthermore, they advised me that it could take a while for them to get back to me but I'm anxious to get it resolved. Season's best wishes.
09 Dec 2024 01:10 AM
Very frustrating that this issue is obviously well known by now, but they haven't managed to resolve it (or even admit that there is a problem).
Infuriating trying to watch anything on skygo currently and knowing that it will crash at some point. Had a spell this afternoon trying to watch live sport where it crashed about a dozen times in a single half of football!
I've tried every single suggested solution I've seen on various topics on this issue over the last few months, but don't think I'll bother with any others as it's pretty clear that absolutely nothing will change until they push another update.
09 Dec 2024 11:40 AM
Hi Dex, thanks for your message and I'm pleased to learn that it's not only me experiencing this problem. It does appear, however, that it's not going to be resolved anytime soon😡 All good wishes.
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