Discussion topic: Sky Go & multiroom

This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Sky Go & multiroom

I'm trying to get some clarification on using Sky Go


I'm a Sky Diamond VIP member having been a customer for 21 years!!!

I've been on the phone to Sky (twice) today trying to get my monthly cost down. Key pouts for this particular issue.


  • We have an additional mini Q box for watching TV in our bedroom, but we never use it - because use the Sky Go apps on our devices (and we have done so for years)
  • I don't have Sky Go listed as a "product" on my monthly bill.

With Multiroom/multiscreen (assume it's the same thing?)  costing £15 a month, it seemed an obvious choice to cancel that to help reduce my monthly bill - providing of course that we could all still use our Sky Go apps on our various devices..


On my first call I was told I could, and therefore asked to cancel multiscreen - all appeared done, but checking future bills I found it was still being charged for in future months. Cue second call to Sky.


The second person told me that we wouldn't be able to use Sky Go app on multiple devices if I cancelled multiscreen. So for the moment I've decided not to cancel.


However, as a Diamond VIP member I see that one of my "rewards" is that I can access Sky Go for "no extra costs".


So my question(s) is/are:


  1. If I just cancel multiroom/multiscreen and do nothing else will I and others in my family still be able to use the Sky Go app on our devices?
  2. If yes, how many devices could we "register" to use (at the moment we have 6 devices registered)
  3. If no, what are my options?
    1. Continue to pay £15 monthly for multiroom/multiscreen and carry on as we are?
    2. Pay an extra £5 per month (or just use my reward link) to access Sky Go and:
    3. In either of the above scenarios would that enable ALL my family to use Sky Go (ie continue to have multiple devices regsistered) or only 1 device?

It doesn't take much to confuse me, but this is hard work to understand


Thanks in anticipation of any help or guidance.




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Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom - Update - but not a good one

Update (same evening)


I'm not sure Sky know what theyre doing.


Having told me on call 1 that I can access Sky Go via the app on multiple devices without Multiscreen and me therefore asking them to cancel it, only to discover that they hadn't cancelled it.....


I now find that further to my second call where they said I MUST have multiscreen to access Sky Go via apps on multiple devices and I therefore told them that I therefore wanted to KEEP multiscreen, they have cancelled it.


What is going on??????



This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Sky Go & multiroom

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Does this link help:



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Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom

Thanks. I think that's helpful....

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sky Go & multiroom

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Perhaps also worth considering things from a business perspective: it would hardly be in the interest of Sky (and Comcast stockholders) to permit a 'free' service to substitute for a chargeable one.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom

Hmm. Given how much money Sky have had off me over the last 21 years I do t think they have any business issues. I'm not asking for it for free anyway. I just want to be able to view what I'm paying for in October's price rise I'd be paying over £167 a month for the products I have. And it will go up again next April as well. Can't afford that. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom: Update to Update

Update to update


So I rang Sky again this morning. Spoke to a really nice chap called Ronnie, who was extremely helpful and articulate and seemed to be more infofrmed and knowledgable than the agents I spoke to yesterday.


He explained everything I needed to know clearly, and has rectified the issues, allowing me to continue to access Sky via multiple iOS devices concurrently without Multiscreen via Sky Go Extra and has added offers to my products where he could.


Hopefully all sorted now, and whilst I haven't made big savings on my current monthyl spend going forward, I have made some savings.....until Sky up their prices again.

Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom: Update to the update to the update…sigh….

I'm losing the will here...


See above trail


its a long story...


So, it's been over 24 hours since my last call to Sky, when everything appeared to be sorted satisfactorily. That was until last night when my wife tried to watch a recorded programme via the Sky Go app on her iPad whilst I was watching the main tv. When she pressed the "Recordings tab"  she gets a message saying that "to connect to this box, you must upgrade to Sky Q multiscreen".


So I checked my "products" via My Sky app. It still says I'm subscribed to Sky multiscreen (not surprising as although I cancelled this and have moved to Sky GoExtra, I paid this months sub). I double checked on my products via the Sky Q box/TV and oh, oh.....no multiscreen but it DOES say Sky Go Extra!


Oh, and by the way, the "Recordings tab" has disappeared from my Sky Go app on my iPad completely and noth8ng will bring it back, even deleting and reinstalling the app. It's there on my wife's iPad and my iPhone. 


OK I thought, maybe it just takes 24 hours to sort out. I'll wait until tomorrow.


I also tested whether we could still access Sky content via  concurrent devices using the Sky Go app, but no we can't. Two is now our limit, despite being told whether we had multiscreen or Sky Go Extra we could use up to 4 devices concurrently? 


Again, I thought, let's give it 24 hours and check tomorrow.


Fast forward to 4pm today - over 24 hours since my last call to Sky.


Nothing has changed.


  • My Sky app still says I'm subscribed to Multiscreen
  • Sky Q Box says I've subscribed to Sky Go Extra
  • We can't access recordings via Sky Go app on iPad/iphone
  • We can't use Sky Ho app on more than 2 devices concurrently

Frustrated and doing some more research via these forums and Google, the general assessment I can make, it that I SHOULD be able to use Sky Go Extra to access content on more than 2 devices


its less clear about whether Sky Go Extra allows you to view recordings on the Sky Q box via Sky Go app - information talks about "downloads", but I think that's different to accessing recordings. Can anyone clarify?


Anyway we're away on holiday for a week from tomorrow, so I'll see if things settle down, otherwise I'll be right onto Sky when I get back to reinstate multiscreen - albeit it'll put my price back to where I started,


I wish I hadn't bothered trying to save a few quid. Nightmare. 



Topic Author
This message was authored by SimonHiscocks This message was authored by: SimonHiscocks

Re: Sky Go & multiroom: Possible part answer

It's annoying you can't edit a post and have to create a new one!


I've found an "addendum" at the bottom of this months bill outlining some of the changes I made to products yesterday. Some  of the changes come with a message saying  "The following subscriptions have been cancelled, access to content will continue until your subscription period ends" 


But then there's another bit that says  "The following subscriptions have been cancelled:

  • Multiscreen on 02/08"

and then there's another bit saying 


"The following subscriptions have been added, you will be able to access content immediately or from the start of your next subscription period

  • Sky Go Extra"

So, I'm surmising from this that mMultiscreen has been cancelled immediately (looks like there's a refund on next months bill), but Sky Go Extra won't start until next  in this sub is due.


That might explain why we can't access Sky Go app on more than 2 concurrent devices, but it doesn't explain why the My Sky app still says I have a Multiscreen subscription, or do anything to help clarify accessing the recordings issue.


More to follow no doubt....

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky Go & multiroom: Possible part answer

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

FYI, you need to be a level 3+ forum member to be able to edit your posts

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