Discussion topic: Error Code PFE 5003

This message was authored by Sandra124 This message was authored by: Sandra124

Error Code PFE 5003

Hi - I have read previous posts and tried advice given but not successful.

I can watch live on my laptop with sky to go but if I download anything to watch the content later the error code PFE 5003 comes up. I have updated my operating system (apple). I have deleted the sky go application and re-installed several times - and deleted any bits of the files left over - no go.  I have signed in and. out of my account.  I have deleted any security that I had on the computer.  I have spoken with sky support multiple times - they are currently looking for a solution and will ring me back next week - I think.  So - it is just the downloaded content that I am unable to view.  I can watch live.  It seems to download what I select but when I then do to view the code comes up. Sky then deleted all the gadgets associated with my account and deleted my email address associated with the account - having deleted these links I then re-installed and signed in new - still the same code comes up.  They have offered to compensate me - I just want to be able to view the content of my downloads when on the go and I cannot access my main internet servers.  Any ideas at all please.  Spent six hours now with Sky Support - all lovely - all trying to help - and also Apple Support - who advised me to update my operating system - but still no good.  They then said it is a Sky problem and they could not offer any other support.