Discussion topic: Does Sky Go have a Mac OS Sonoma problem

This message was authored by DigitalGroov This message was authored by: DigitalGroov

Does Sky Go have a Mac OS Sonoma problem

Sky Go keeps buffering when watching some chanels, on other chanels it does it less freuquently than others, It was ok Intel Macs but a problem on Apple silicon Macs

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This message was authored by trevforum This message was authored by: trevforum Answer

Re: Does Sky Go have a Mac OS Sonoma problem

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I have the occasional problem on my Mac Mini M1 but I use CleanMyMac and it seems clearing the caches makes it more stable.  Also using the beta version helps.  Also, Sky Go is not very efficient and uses a lot of resources (memory, CPU).

Sky Stream, Sky Glass, Panasonic DX902, Pioneer LX-901 7.1.4

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