Why can't you remover products from your account in it, you should be able to now, not have to phone Sky to do it, just because they do not want you too, you should have the choice now, you can add products but can not remove them, Sky make it very awkward specially if you have a hard time taking to people on the phone and hard to understand what they are saying because Sky uses Indian call centers now, the Scottish call center I could understand them, it was better, and customer services now speck to fast to understand what they are saying.
Its even harder for me cause I am party deaf.
It would be easier if it was all in the Sky App or on the website so no need to speck to anyone.
You can recontract in the Sky App but can not remove stuff if you do not use it no more before recontracting.
It does not make sence because Sky wants you to use the website more then phoning them.