Discussion topic: Sound not working

This message was authored by Leeh2101 This message was authored by: Leeh2101

Sound not working

My sound doesn't seem to working I have tried the sound settings and changed the HDMI ports however I can only see a picture 


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This message was authored by Sally_Sparrow This message was authored by: Sally_Sparrow

Re: Sound not working

@Leeh2101 wrote:

My sound doesn't seem to working I have tried the sound settings and changed the HDMI ports however I can only see a picture 

Have you checked the sound settings on your TV too? Check it hasn't muted the speakers. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Leeh2101 This message was authored by: Leeh2101

Re: Sound not working

Hi Sally 


Yes i have check this and still no sound


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