Discussion topic: Sky glass tv doesn't turn on in the mornings

This message was authored by Jami3eer This message was authored by: Jami3eer

Sky glass tv doesn't turn on in the mornings

Ok this is bit of a weird one. 
my sky glass tv doesn't turn on after a nights rest via the remote so I use the on off switch on the side of the tv. 
However it will turn on after being left all day while we are at work? 
its done this for around a couple weeks now. 
 Any ideas?


All Replies

This message was authored by bayardm This message was authored by: bayardm

Re: Sky glass tv doesn't turn on in the mornings

The same thing happens on my Glass. It started 4-5 days ago having been great for the last 2 years, and switching on when I first enter the room on a morning. I have to resort to switching the power off and on. Could it be a bug in the latest software release 24?

Sky Glass 43” stand mount, Wi-fi, 1 puck, ethernet from Bt disc.
Sky Ultimate and whole home, Diamond VIP User
BT Hybrid FTTC, BT Smart Hub 2 + 1 disc
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky glass tv doesn't turn on in the mornings

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Try turning overnight power saving mode off in settings and see if that helps

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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