Discussion topic: Sky glass programs stop start stop start

This message was authored by Wayne+1976 This message was authored by: Wayne+1976

Sky glass programs stop start stop start

Is any1 else got a problem with sky glass and puck stop starting stop starting  ? 

I reported it to sky but they just told me to keep eye on it .

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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam Answer

Re: Sky glass programs stop start stop start

@Wayne+1976 wrote:

Is any1 else got a problem with sky glass and puck stop starting stop starting  ? 

I reported it to sky but they just told me to keep eye on it .

Most likely an issue with the broadband signal being received by the TV and puck. Have you done a speed test via the network check option on the Netflix app?

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