14 Mar 2025 04:26 PM
It's working now. Thank you for your help everyone. Let's hope it stays on the F1 channel and not main event in the future
14 Mar 2025 04:34 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeGreat news, thank you for confirming its working.
14 Mar 2025 04:46 PM
Yep same for me so all good.
Although ad skip isn't showing , I'm presuming there's no ads, what ever, don't touch it, it's working lol
Thanks for sorting
15 Mar 2025 06:21 AM
Good Morning, I just tried to watch the F1 Qualifying having purchassed the F1 subcsription but on SKY Glass it said I needed to upgrade to SKY sports. (I am able to watch the Sky F1 channel normally)
Ended up watching it on SKY go on my phone instead.
Is this an error or do I really need to upgrade, frsutrated I had to watch on my phone, grrrrr.
15 Mar 2025 09:31 AM
This morning my Sky Stream "On demand" section in the menu doesn't even include Practice 3 or Qualifying. It still only shows Practice 1 and Practice 2 and a bunch of F2 and F3 content. Thankfully I was able to watch a Qualifying re-run on the live channel instead.
It seems like F1 subscribers are still being actively prevented from watching on-demand F1 content. And overall I can't believe just how poor the Sky Stream experience is, the whole UI is so cumbersome to navigate. The sports section and F1 section is choked with adverts telling me to upgrade to watch the new F1 season even though I have an F1 subscription and can watch the F1 channel (406). The whole Sky Stream experience does not seem fit for purpose right now.
Unless content is exclusively shown on the Sports Main Event channel it should never be categorised as being from that channel. F1 content should always be categorised as F1. And if that means a Sky empoyee manually changing each piece of content until a system change is implemented to do it automatically so be it. Customers should not be prevented from watchig content they have paid for.
15 Mar 2025 09:59 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@i-am-andrew wrote:This morning my Sky Stream "On demand" section in the menu doesn't even include Practice 3 or Qualifying. It still only shows Practice 1 and Practice 2 and a bunch of F2 and F3 content. Thankfully I was able to watch a Qualifying re-run on the live channel instead.
It seems like F1 subscribers are still being actively prevented from watching on-demand F1 content. And overall I can't believe just how poor the Sky Stream experience is, the whole UI is so cumbersome to navigate. The sports section and F1 section is choked with adverts telling me to upgrade to watch the new F1 season even though I have an F1 subscription and can watch the F1 channel (406). The whole Sky Stream experience does not seem fit for purpose right now.
Unless content is exclusively shown on the Sports Main Event channel it should never be categorised as being from that channel. F1 content should always be categorised as F1. And if that means a Sky empoyee manually changing each piece of content until a system change is implemented to do it automatically so be it. Customers should not be prevented from watchig content they have paid for.
One thing to note, there is a different between playlisting and on-demand. Typically for sporting events the full on-demand replay will be delayed (sometimes up to 24 hours) before its made available on-demand. Thats why the best thing to do in general is to add the F1 to your playlist so it can take a cloud recording ( not that it will help in this situation where the recording is taken from Sky Sports Main Event and thus unavailable for single Sky Sports F1 subscribers only).
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15 Mar 2025 11:27 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@i-am-andrew wrote:
This morning my Sky Stream "On demand" section in the menu doesn't even include Practice 3 or Qualifying. It still only shows Practice 1 and Practice 2 and a bunch of F2 and F3 content. Thankfully I was able to watch a Qualifying re-run on the live channel instead.
You need to add F1 to your playlist from either the Tv guide or from within the menus.
F1 gets cloud recorded and is available straight after the session has finished.
I have every session so far of F1, F2 and F3 and Teds notebook that were from my previous playlisted series link for each of those from the UHD menu 'on this week' I made in Mar 2024
After a week or so, those cloud recordings get transferred to the On demand version.
You know that it is the On demand, as obviously removes the previous recording minutes of the F 1 Channel programme you cloud recorded (playlisted) and that live broadcast in programme adverts.
Waiting for the On demand F1 and other sport has a delay, and the On demand is not made available to watch after sometime, sometimes a few hours.
So make sure for F1 or any other Sky Sports, that you playlist it from the 'On this week' tiles in the menu or fr9mnthe Tv guide.
15 Mar 2025 12:16 PM
Thanks to @MarkGoldsmith and @lettice, I'll try adding F1 to the playlist and see what happens.
It does seem like a strange design that the content is available but only to people that pre-selected it before live broadcast, hopefully as you suggest this only has to be done once. And hopefully it will avoid me seeing titles of video clips like "{Driver} spins in Q2" and "{Team} secures front row" while scrolling to the on demand section meaning I knew the main result before watching the qualifying! The on demand section does seem fairly random, currently it's showing Ted's qualifying notebook broadcast after the qualifying but still doesn't show the qualifying.
15 Mar 2025 12:29 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
One other thing to be aware of.
On your playlist, look under the Other tab also.
Sometimes the most recent asset for a short period gets placed there rather than in the correct series rail.
I often mention to VR about this sloppy placement that does get fixed, but keeps returning randomly for content across genres. Mind, used to see that happen on Sky Q also.
15 Mar 2025 10:18 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@i-am-andrew wrote:Thanks to @MarkGoldsmith and @lettice, I'll try adding F1 to the playlist and see what happens.
It does seem like a strange design that the content is available but only to people that pre-selected it before live broadcast, hopefully as you suggest this only has to be done once. And hopefully it will avoid me seeing titles of video clips like "{Driver} spins in Q2" and "{Team} secures front row" while scrolling to the on demand section meaning I knew the main result before watching the qualifying! The on demand section does seem fairly random, currently it's showing Ted's qualifying notebook broadcast after the qualifying but still doesn't show the qualifying.
Personally i've never understood why it takes so longer for the on-demand replay to be made available. I get there may need to be a short delay in processing, uploading ( and perhaps editing ) the live broadcast but you would think that within an hour or two the full replay should be available on-demand.
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