Discussion topic: Sky Glass won’t show new episodes on NBC’s ProFootballTalk

This message was authored by SimboSmith This message was authored by: SimboSmith

Sky Glass won’t show new episodes on NBC’s ProFootballTalk

Hello. Is anybody else having trouble getting new episodes of NBC's ProFootballTalk to appear in their playlist?

My playlist shows loads of old episodes going back 6 months or more, but none of the new ones get added. I know they are definitely on the TV because they're in the TV guide and 'On this week'.

I know that someone programs can't be 'recorded', but i've never had a problem with this show in the past.


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Glass won’t show new episodes on NBC’s ProFootballTalk

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Try removing the show from your playlist, then rebooting your Glass by unplugging it for a few minutes, then re-add the show to your playlist.

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This message was authored by SimboSmith This message was authored by: SimboSmith

Re: Sky Glass won’t show new episodes on NBC’s ProFootballTalk

yup, i've tried that, but it just goes back to the same thing again, showing all the old episodes but none of the new ones


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