23 Jan 2025 07:49 PM
ps... Forgot to mention... I would not consider purchasing a new Glass TV if the old one had a short life span.
08 Feb 2025 10:28 PM
The screen totally went on mine just after the warranty period had ended. I was also told the same thing, I'd have to buy a new sky glass and still pay what I owed in the credit agreement, I also had to continue paying for Sky Live even though I couldn't use it on any other TV.
been with Sky one way or another since 1989 and all that goodwill disappeared in one phone call. This was last November and halted all my Sky services and will never return.
No way should a TV that expensive die just after 2 years, I may have been more forgiving if there was any empathy or customer services from Sky after the event, but there was absolutely nothing.
09 Feb 2025 10:15 AM
Sent emails to the CEO, which were passed onto the Customer Service Team and have been offered a new TV for £474 and they would reduce this to £374 with a £100 gesture of goodwill.
This £374 would be added onto my credit agreement of which I still have approx 21 months to pay and I have to make a decision soon.
Continued to email the CEO, who just passes emails onto the dedicated Customer Service employee allocated to get this sorted.
Not sure what next steps are but can't afford new TV and Sky don't want to budge on their offer.
Dissapointed with Sky and the stance they have taken.
09 Feb 2025 10:37 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@DPF71 wrote:
Continued to email the CEO, who just passes emails onto the dedicated Customer Service employee allocated to get this sorted.
CEOs of multi billion dollar businesses do tend not to resolve individual customer issues themselves.
09 Feb 2025 10:49 AM
I have a close friend who complained to a CEO of a multinational company and the CEO did sort out the complaint.
Should multi-billion dollar companies not support those who make the company multi-billion companies 🤔
09 Feb 2025 01:16 PM - last edited: 09 Feb 2025 01:18 PM
That is very very rare, blimey if I was your mate I'd take that to the national press because that's a real feelgood story. Folk are quick enough to castigate firms, both large and small, when they provide shoddy service so they should also make a point of praising them when they do well.
As regards this specific issue with this specific firm, in my personal opinion you ain't going to be getting any response off any of the big cheeses at Comcast unfortunately.
I do have one suggestion though, and that is to give @Adam+Kade a shout because they love Comcast. Made themselves right busy in another thread yesterday, proclaiming their joy at Comcast being here in the UK. They also mentioned they'd had their Glass TV since Queeen Victoria was on the throne and how 'awesome' they found the audio and picture on it 🥱