Discussion topic: Sky Glass TV won’t turn on

This message was authored by TeresaB3 This message was authored by: TeresaB3

Sky Glass TV won’t turn on

My Sky Glass TV has no display. The red light comes on and flashes but then the screen remains black. I've done everything that it says to do including checking the remote and still nothing. 


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This message was authored by mikealanr This message was authored by: mikealanr

Re: Sky Glass TV won’t turn on

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @TeresaB3 


Inknow you have mentioned the remote but have you tried the recovery process:




Pressing and holding the power button while powering on the TV untill the LED light begins to flash. This will force the TV to recover and reinstall the software. Step 4 of that article? It is worth trying it a couple of times.


It also might be worth leaving your Glass unplugged for at least 10 minutes and then trying it again.


If that's not working, you will need to speak to Sky and arrange a replacement under warranty (if you are) or at cost if out of warranty. We are fellow subscribers here on the community.



55" Gen 2 Sky Glass atlantic blue, 65” Sky Glass ocean blue, Sky Live, 4 streaming pucks and EE FTTP Busiest Home (circa 1.6 Gbps download). Former Sky Q, Sky+ HD and Sky+ customer.

Please Note: I am not a Sky employee. I am a fellow subscriber. Please do not PM me as they will not be responded to. Posting publicly to a thread increases the usefulness for all.
This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sky Glass TV won’t turn on

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TeresaB3 wrote:

My Sky Glass TV has no display. The red light comes on and flashes but then the screen remains black. I've done everything that it says to do including checking the remote and still nothing. 

Have you tried pulling the plug totally for 10 minutes or so 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.

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