Discussion topic: Problems loading programmes from playlist or apps

This message was authored by Happyglass9 This message was authored by: Happyglass9

Problems loading programmes from playlist or apps


From early evening I've had to reboot 3 times.

1) Tried to load a programme from Ch4 app, message " Please wait for your programme to load", after about 3 minutes, nothing happened, so I rebooted, & then I was able to load the programme.


2) I took a programme from my playlist which was one produced by Sky, when I stopped the programme wanting to return to Playlist dreaded blue screen appeared, again rebooted & could then remove programme from playlist.


3) took another playlist programme, from sky channel & I had same message as in issue 1).  Rebooted,  now I could load the programme I wanted.

I have had this problem occasionally but never on one evening.

Any advice on why this could be happening today?






All Replies

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Problems loading programmes from playlist or apps

Who is your ISP?


What BB service do you have?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Happyglass9 This message was authored by: Happyglass9

Re: Problems loading programmes from playlist or apps


Answer for both is Sky

This message was authored by roger1949 This message was authored by: roger1949

Re: Problems loading programmes from playlist or apps

I'm on my 2nd glass TV in a month,same thing happens to me,now I'm being told my mesh system is to blame despite no issues anywhere else in the property including other TV streaming and games consoles.

I'm being lied to and no one will listen


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