Discussion topic: When watching Netflix film I get a circle with a percentage turning , i need to come out of the film

This message was authored by Chris19541 This message was authored by: Chris19541

When watching Netflix film I get a circle with a percentage turning , i need to come out of the film

When watching Netflix film I get a red circle with a percentage in it, I have to come out of the film and then go back in to continue watching 


All Replies

This message was authored by DJBSuffolk This message was authored by: DJBSuffolk

New netflix 20% issue?

Today netflix seems broken every attempt to view stops at 20% - tried all the work arounds that used to work and still stuck at 20% - anyone else having these issues today?

This message was authored by Deeefa This message was authored by: Deeefa

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I am having the same issue. Have been for weeks. Only way around it for me is to restart my box every single time. Same as you. stuck on 20%.


I have contacted Sky but have not got back to them yet. I'm not holding out much hope.

This message was authored by Deeefa This message was authored by: Deeefa

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I'm interesting to know - what were your work arounds?

This message was authored by Deeefa This message was authored by: Deeefa

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

interested to know*

This message was authored by DJBSuffolk This message was authored by: DJBSuffolk

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Usually power off puck or come out of netflix load another app then back to netflix would normally resolve it. However today none of this works it sticks at 20% on every attempt to view. Have had to resort to using the native TV app this works fine. How is something this flawed not picked up in testing? 

This message was authored by Deeefa This message was authored by: Deeefa

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Hmm, interesting I shall try that if it saves me restarting the whole puck!


I suspect it happpened since a software update, but I do not watch Netflix enough to be sure of that. I did not notice it when I first subscribed.

This message was authored by DJBSuffolk This message was authored by: DJBSuffolk

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Yep as far as I can tell netflix on the puck is broken now! Is it too much to ask thar updates are tested properly. Especially if they were trying to fix this issue 

This message was authored by SlenderRobert This message was authored by: SlenderRobert

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I think the cause of such issues is all down to how Sky/Comcast's streaming platform works. All the apps on Glass & Stream are hosted on a server, not on the device itself. This is the root cause of the general sluggishness of the interface and the reason apps can take up to 30 seconds to buffer up to even just HD quality. 

The servers are clearly under an ever increasing load as more and more people sign up to the service so there's an awful lot of data being sent up and down to those servers from many, many connections. There's clearly a lack of cache space in the pucks as they simply don't cope well under any sort of pressure. Fast forwarding and rewinding for example, is such a slow & glitchy affair (even on a basic HD stream) that it's already showing how much it struggles. 

With Netflix, they use higher bit-rates, Dolby Vision, HDR10, Atmos etc and therefore have to send a larger data stream back to the puck from the server. Also, with the actual app hosted on the server, that server has to communicate first with Netflix's servers in order to receive the stream of the programme you, the customer, has selected. This stream then has to be sent down to the puck. This all means the server is under a lot of pressure, particularly when there are potentially thousands of people trying to access Netflix from a puck or Glass TV at the same time. 

The only real solution I've found is to just not use the puck for third party apps. I use the native TV apps or my Apple TV 4K box and have no issues whatsoever. Netflix has no buffering whatsoever and HD streams from the likes of the Channel 4 app play instantly in full quality. 

Stream is absolutely fine for live TV, I've never had an issue with that (though it does take a few seconds for even those HD streams to reach full quality on a wired 500Mbmps ethernet connection) so that's what we use it for. Turn it on, select something to watch live and leave it - that works perfectly well. It's everything else that's problematic. 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DJBSuffolk and others.  This problem has been going on for some time and  Sky & Netflix were working on a solution.  Until a solution is found there are a couple of ways that will generally clear the problem;


1 - Exit the Netflix App and load a live broadcast let it play for 2 or 3 seconds and then go back to Netflix and the programme you were trying to watch.


2 - Go to Netflix "Get Help" and select reload Netflix.


Either one of these methods should work but obviously they are only workarounds until Sky & Netflix come up with a permanent solution.

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
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This message was authored by techman9 This message was authored by: techman9

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Either one of these methods should work but obviously they are only workarounds until Sky & Netflix come up with a permanent solution.

Corrected :  "Until Sky"


It's hardly a Netflix issue when there service works perfectly fine on every other device/tv, it's the bizarre way sky provides the service to their customers.


This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


@techman9 wrote:

Either one of these methods should work but obviously they are only workarounds until Sky & Netflix come up with a permanent solution.

Corrected :  "Until Sky"


It's hardly a Netflix issue when there service works perfectly fine on every other device/tv, it's the bizarre way sky provides the service to their customers.


Hi @techman9  😀 It doesn't really matter who is at fault they still need to collaborate to find the solution.  Hopefully the matter will be resolved soon 🤞

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
This message was authored by Joe-Bow This message was authored by: Joe-Bow

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Started to have this issue recently.  Reload Netflix didn't work.  What did however was quickly starting up a number of the other apps and then going back to Netflix after opening about 2 or 3, just to get it to sort of flush the underlying Netflix process from memory.  

If the Netflix screen starts from scratch again with the noise and the live previews on the Home Screen then the app has been successfully restarted.  


It's a bug definitely, but at least on my setup I've found a way to get it to work without pulling the power.

This message was authored by CG1 This message was authored by: CG1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

This is still ongoing. I have it with Netflix and Amazon video. I am considering buying a smart tv (I didn't think i needed to with sky stream!) so I can watch other programmes. SKY- is there an update on this issue?? 

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention.


We believe the app may be staying open in the background, causing issues.  Can I ask you to try these steps and let us know if you are successful or not?


  1. Launch these apps in a row: 
    Channel 4
  2. Launch Netflix 
  3. Play content 


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