Discussion topic: When watching Netflix film I get a circle with a percentage turning , i need to come out of the film

This message was authored by Salem99 This message was authored by: Salem99

Re: Netflix 20% issue

I've just gone to Sky stream and having the same 20% issues.  Couldn't watch anything.  Also having problems with BBC iPlayer just blank screen or whirling circle.  I much preferred recordings than stream but will contact sky as I've literally just joined them. 

This message was authored by TechMaster This message was authored by: TechMaster

Re: Netflix 20% issue

I had this the other day on Netflix, I had to pull the power out of my stream box then reconenct it and power the box back up. It's been fine since

This message was authored by Hedydd This message was authored by: Hedydd

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I'm getting another problem with Netflix ap now when using my streaming puck. The Netflix ap freezes - so not only can't I watch anything on Netflix but it freezes all of my sky tv / so I can't return to home and watch any of the other aps or live tv either. 

This message was authored by Kelvin1 This message was authored by: Kelvin1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Nothing has been working for me, although long windows this actually worked for me. Although I wouldn't want to do that every time this happens. I'm new to sky stream and I'm not impressed with the glitches. Not a great experience, makes the viewing frustrating.

This message was authored by Kelvin1 This message was authored by: Kelvin1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

*long winded not windows.

This message was authored by TechMaster This message was authored by: TechMaster

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I get this a lot now , not just with netflix, sometimes iPlayer and sometime live tv. It just freezes up. Only pulling the power fixes the problem temporarily 

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Whilst we investigate this issue, can I ask if the workaround to clear the 20% loading problem worked for anyone?  If it did, did the problem return afterwards?

Community Manager
This message was authored by Deedee36 This message was authored by: Deedee36

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@KevNewMedia  I have been having this problem a lot as of late I have tried your work around and it does work but the problem always returns,for me anyway there seems to be an issue with all apps I'm either getting the Netflix loading issues or a constant black screen or spinning yellow circle on my 5,iPlayer and all 4 are just not as bad but the odd time programmes just don't load 

“Trying to help improve sky glass”
This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks for the information @Deedee36 


Does this problem impact your Glass TV or pucks, or both?

Community Manager
This message was authored by TechMaster This message was authored by: TechMaster

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Mine is a stream box

This message was authored by Deedee36 This message was authored by: Deedee36

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@KevNewMedia it's happening on both glass and puck,I would say though that the my 5 app

appeaes to be the most problematic 

“Trying to help improve sky glass”
This message was authored by Nottsgriff This message was authored by: Nottsgriff

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Had the same issue, and this workaround fixes it, thanks!


Still annoying though. ITVX doesn't work properly. Netflix doesn't work properly. The performance of these third party apps are really ruining the Sky Stream experience, and coupled with the broadband outage a week or so ago are making alternative providers look much more attractive. Shame because Sky is so much better in a lot of ways.

This message was authored by GavinF1 This message was authored by: GavinF1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Same issue this end. Really dont get how SKY infrastructure cannot manage this. They've entered a partnership with Netflix ( of some sort) so can hardly view it as a third party app. A bog standard fire stick doesnt even have these issues. Would have though the "puck" would be somewhat better, especially considering the monthly costs....

This message was authored by JulieinScotland This message was authored by: JulieinScotland

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

I had this 20% problem as well as the freezing issue on Netflix on my Sky Glass (I am an early adopter since October 2021) which I had to cure by switching the set off at the wall and then back on.  Following discussion withh Sky Customer Services in April 2022 (18 Months back), we discerned that the Sky Glass requires a stable 5GHz signal and the problem i had was due to the Wifi signal from my Sky Broadband Router flipflopping between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz which is the way that the router should operate.


The solution for me was to inset a Sky Booster between the Router and my Sky Glass.  I have not had this issue since; although, I have set my Glass up on a timer to reboot every morning at 06:00 whicn might be contributing to the alleviation of the 20% / Freezing issue.


FYI,  I have a stable 72.5 MBs signal to my Router and regularly pull 45MBs on my Glass when testing the Network speed in the Netflix App


I also am quite a light user with only 4 additional devices (sometime all in use at the same time) connected to the Router using Wifi Bandwith.  These are a SONOS One, Galaxy A7 Tablet, Dell Laptop and S23 Ultra.


Maybe I am just lucky and I appreciate that my issue might not be same as others but for me it was and is a solution so maybe something for others to think about.


This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: New netflix 20% issue?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JulieinScotland My overall experience since July 2022 has been pretty much the same as yours.  I have fast broadband giving me 450Mbs at the Glass TV but just as importantly it is very stable.  Although I don't reboot every morning  like you I do a voluntary reboot about twice a week at a time to suite me and not when problems occur.  I have always maintained this keeps the minor software glitches to a minimum.  I also turned off all the gimmicks in the start-up & standby menu which I found made Glass more stable and predictable.


I certainly wouldn't claim to have no problems but those I do have are almost always resolved by another reboot.  I did find very early on that being too vigorous with the remote can confuse the system resulting in a lockup which again is resolved by a reboot. 

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