Discussion topic: During all recorded Sky Premier Football games, the picture is ok for 30 seconds and the the screen

This message was authored by Welbeck13 This message was authored by: Welbeck13

During all recorded Sky Premier Football games, the picture is ok for 30 seconds and the the screen

During all recorded Sky Premier games, the Screen is ok for 30 seconds but then jumps forward an average of 10-12 seconds.,  This happens on every game throughout the full recording.

This fault does not happen on any other recordings of sports or any other programme. 


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: During all recorded Sky Premier Football games, the picture is ok for 30 seconds and the the scr

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@Welbeck13 wrote:

During all recorded Sky Premier games, the Screen is ok for 30 seconds but then jumps forward an average of 10-12 seconds.,  This happens on every game throughout the full recording.

This fault does not happen on any other recordings of sports or any other programme. 

Read this thread which is already discussing this issue, it tells you what to do to report it to Sky: https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Stream/Sky-sports-jumping-skipping-on-playlist/m-p/4698638#M29289 

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