08 Dec 2024 09:42 AM
If a 1 hour programme starts at, for instance, 1pm and I get to to it at quarter past, I hit 'watch from start', so I'm 15 minutes behind. I can play around with fast forward or rewind, no problem, seemingly only until the live broadcast finishes. So, in this example, if I hit rewind or fast forward after 2pm the playback drops out and programme is lost. I have to go to the playlist and find the programme, which doesn't sound like a massive deal but sometimes the programme isn't immediately available.
08 Dec 2024 12:04 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHi @scrubnut This has been reported a number of times in the past. I have the same issue which can be really annoying but there is no fix for it other than to refrain from using the FF button once the programme has finished. Not ideal but I don't know of any other option.