Discussion topic: Discovery Plus sign in

This message was authored by FootPH1 This message was authored by: FootPH1

Discovery Plus sign in

Hi All, since all the issues yesterday (19.9.24) with Glass and Stream, I've managed to get the Glass back up and running and been re-signing into the various apps.


However, I can't get into Discovery Plus. It wants me to accept privacy conditions before logging in, but will not proceed beyond this point. I've tried restarting multiple times but keep finding the same error.


Signed in on a firestick upstairs with no issue, and no privacy terms to accept, curiously.


Is anyone else experiencing this? 



All Replies

This message was authored by Jeanette+M This message was authored by: Jeanette+M

Re: Discovery Plus sign in

Hi yes I am experiencing the same thing it won't let me sign in then has a terms thing on I click agree and it's just loading I've left it for ages but it won't work 🙃 


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