@Catwin13 wrote:
Hi there, I've been having the same issues since this afternoon. We have sky glass but Vodafone broadband so I thought it was the broadband but I work from home mainly and we have a couple of phones/gaming console that's connected to the internet and that's working perfectly fine so it has to be the internet server connnection between sky streaming and the WiFi. It looks like a lot of people are having similar issues whether they're with sky wifi or not. Have you tried reaching out to sky? If this carries on tomorrow I most likely will as it's annoying paying for a service and without WiFi connection the tv is pretty much useless 😞
If you have connected the Sky Glass to the internet via Wifi then the issue is almost certainly the strength and stability of the wifi network. Unfortunately just because other devices work, doesn't mean the issue isn't with your network, as other devices work differently. The Sky streaming platform runs practicallly nothing locally, everything is run off of Sky's servers which means it requires a strong and consistant internet connection. Any sort of Wifi interference can also instability which will drop the Glass's connection to Sky's server and thus prevent the TV from working as expected. The reason this is quite common is that a lot of customers use the standard routers provided by ISPs ( which are generally quite cheap and don't offer the strongest Wifi signals to begin with ) and if they aren't placed correctly or there is other Wifi interference caused by other electronic devices or neighbouring Wifi networks then the signal will weaken more.
Customers who suffer from this tend to get better results either by upgrading their router or creating their own mesh network, or by connecting the Sky streaming device via an ethernet cable and disabling the Wifi in the network settings. An ethernet cable doesn't have to run from the device to the router, you can use powerline adapters if the device and router aren't close to enough other (which essentially runs the network connection through your electricity).
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