Discussion topic: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Thanks for taking the time to post and sure your experience of this issue on our Sky Community forum 🙂


Following some recent changes, we are interested in hearing from any users who are still experiencing this problem.


If you have had this issue occur over the weekend or moving forward can you:


  • Try to complete a normal reset of your Sky Glass TV.  This is done by powering the TV off at the mains and powering it back on.
  • If the issue persists, please reply to the thread with a date / timestamp of the issue.
  • It would also be really helpful to see a video recording of the issue from a restart to opening the app. If the issue is easilly replicatable for you, can you please attempt to record this happening and upload a video either here or over PM to me direct?

For the purposes of confirming if this is still an issue and to make sure new visitors to the thread can see this message I have temporarily marked it as the best answer.


Community Moderator
This message was authored by James3691 This message was authored by: James3691

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

My channel 4 app hasn't been working since the system didn't work for a week. I have just switched it off at the mains again to try and see if it sorted as you said above, but it didn't. 

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jskyd wrote:

Same problem sky say channel 4 problem , channel 4 says delete & reinstall cannot do this on sky stream

 so can sky delete & reinstall remotelr ?  been like this for 3 weeks 

 come on sky engineers sort it

Please see existing thread below in glass forum and add comments as instructed....




43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by jskyd This message was authored by: jskyd

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

This is on sky stream have spent an hour on phone with sky engineer gon thro reset etc still no joy as said already sky said channel 4 problem channel 4 Say delete & reload which cannot be done

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jskyd wrote:

This is on sky stream have spent an hour on phone with sky engineer gon thro reset etc still no joy as said already sky said channel 4 problem channel 4 Say delete & reload which cannot be done

Same issue affecting both platforms 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by DanAnd71 This message was authored by: DanAnd71

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Yeah, still got this problem. I've been in contact with Channel 4 and worked through there advice. Didn't work so I need to get back to them.


I'll reply tomorrow when I have a little more time with details of the problem and what I've done so far.

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @James3691  & @DanAnd71 


Could you both complete a restart of your Glass TVs again and take a video recording of the issue occurring from TV turn on to app launch? 


With that, we can share this with support teams to help investigation 🙂



Community Moderator
This message was authored by DanAnd71 This message was authored by: DanAnd71

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

The issue we have is not so much the starting up of the app but while the app is running as mentioned a few posts back.


The issue occures at random times while watching a programe on the channel. The app will load up as normal and then when you are part way through a programe it will stop as if it were buffering then either:


1. Crash out to the front screen of the app.

2. Carry on playing the programe before repeating the buffering issue again and then either 1, 2 or 3.

3. After the buffering it jumps to the start of the programe or at random points in the program often followed by a repeat of 2.


This only seems to occur on older programs (Empire) and never on newer ones such as Bake Off. 


This problem has been going on for some time and only with the channel 4 app. We completely reset the TV after the firmware problem that prevented Sky Glass from turning on. We've also Reset Application Data for the channel 4 app.


Entertainment OS: 1.3

Build Version: QS030.527.00P

Hardware Model: LT055-f2-ant


Channel 4 App

Build Version: v19.1.0.15

Firmware Version: Llama-Firebolt OS v1.0.0


This message was authored by DanAnd71 This message was authored by: DanAnd71

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Just to add error messages. It normally just says "well this is embarrassing seems to be a problem please try againg".

This message was authored by James3691 This message was authored by: James3691

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading



i have recorded selecting the app, but I don't know how to post it onto here. 
it just shows the "4" logo spinning around and not going onto their home screen. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@James3691 wrote:



i have recorded selecting the app, but I don't know how to post it onto here. 
it just shows the "4" logo spinning around and not going onto their home screen. 

@James3691 if you click on the little camera icon MarkGoldsmith_0-1729008459149.pngwhen you are writing your post it will allow you to upload the video. The video may not appear immediately once you have posted as a moderator may need to approve it.


Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by James3691 This message was authored by: James3691

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

This message was authored by Dwalf This message was authored by: Dwalf

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

I have the same issue.

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Posted by a Sky employee

@James3691 wrote:



This is an excellent video capture of the issue, thank you @James3691 


So far, support teams have been unable to replicate this issue. 


Moving forward, for James & anyone else who's experience is the same as the above we want you to try the following to see if it fixes it try an apps refresh (Within the Sky UI: SETTINGS > SYSTEM MANAGEMENT > Resets and Updates > Refresh Apps.   If that doesn't fix it, can you:


  1. confirm your broadband speed (can use an independant speed test on another device).
  2. Do other apps load ok?  (Like ITVX/My5/BBC)
  3. Provide me your Channel 4 app User ID & session ID found in the app by C4 app: SETTINGS > System information > and provide the “User ID” and “Session ID” (screenshot is fine). 
  4. If the apps completely inaccessible on your Sky Glass or Sky Stream, sign into your Channel 4 account using a different device & get me this detail instead along with confirming the device used.

Send me the above in a PM


**If your issue is not that the channel 4 app does not load on app launch, please start a new thread on our discussion board.**


I'm marking this as the answer (for now) so that new users can see this most up to date request for help in investigating this.



Community Moderator
This message was authored by PennyG This message was authored by: PennyG

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Channel 4 app just spinning around on Sky TV, works perfecting on my computer.  Have turned on and off many times, refreshed apps.  All other Apps working perfectly but no Channel 4?


What other info do you need from me?



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