Discussion topic: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds


I turned off ALLM and it made no difference at all. Game was still responsive but the stutter was still there. It was like the ALLM turned on or off doesn't actually do anything.

  • I tried in hdmi 3 with the compatibility option turned on but then my xbox only displays in 1080p and no longer supports hdr. It's clearly some sort of motion plus setting that's left enable. That's what game mode is suppose to turn off. I know my old Samsung game mode low latency use to turn of all the added motion stuff tvs have nowadays. There was 3 options, auto, on or off. I use to just leave it on so everytime I switched input it was ready to go. Surly it should not be hard for sky to add something like this.
This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

To make things even more strange it does not do it on the ps3

I have a original PS3 which is connected to hdmi2

I have always kept hold of it as I quite enjoy some of the ps1 ps2 and ps3 classics.

I plugged it in when I set this new sky glass tv but have not used it as of now.

So I switched it on and loaded up the last of us. I rotated the character (as this is when I also notice it on black ops 6 on my xbox) and low and behold the ps3 is not doing the stutter thing every few seconds.


Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Yeah it says on the hdmi3 that turning on compatibility lowers picture quality, so it's a no go.


Keep it on hdmi 1, then in the sky connected devices section, go to hdmi, & turn off auto low latency mode to lose the jitter but gain desync. You can also turn it off in the Xbox settings, it's in the video mode section, it opens a page of choices like 'allow 50hz etc" & you'll see low latency mode, uncheck that box.. No idea what it's like in a driving game but in first person shooters both the jitter & desync are unbearable. You may have to turn the TV off & on to see the changes.


Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

So PS2 doesn't support hdmi 2.1, only series S/X & ps5 support hdmi 2.1 & auto low latency mode needs hdmi2.1 to work, so the PS2 isn't jittering because it's not on allm.


Pretty sure I tried an old hdmi 2.0 in my series S & it still had crazy desync. Was trying to work out why it's so bad now with it off when it wasn't before.


It's gotta be a software issue caused by then adding allm which means it's fixable, but they've gone quiet & it's been months. 

This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Yeah makes sense now you have explained.

So this issue has to be with the ALLM on the sky glass tv.

It's a shame really because I m quite happy with the tv in regards to everything else.

At first I just though maybe it was a certain game skipping frames, then the other night my daughter was playing fortnite and I noticed it stuttering quite a bit and today I've had my driving sim out, jumped onto ea sports wrc rally came and I noticed it straight away! Gone to go on black ops tonight noticed it and that's when I found my self here only to find others with the same problem. I'm sure when I ordered the tv it said I could return within 31days if I was not happy so I suppose I'll leave it a few days for now see if anyone responds on here and if not I'll be sending it back!

This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Has anyone disabled 50hz and 24hz on the xbox?

I assume this would force the xbox to stay at 60hz.

I wonder if it could be a frame rate issue on the tv.

Have you ever watched a movie/tv show for example 60hz video on 50hz device?

When the camera pans on movie scenes there is every few seconds a stutter like it skips a frame to compensate. 

Very much like what we are experiencing on these consoles with the glass tv

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

I genuinely had no issues regarding jitter or desync for over 2 years, & I didn't realise they'd added ALLM at first, I play destiny usually, & their servers cause weird jumps sometimes so I thought it was the game, or my new series X I'd bought off ebay n had a few days. I actually sent it back as faulty & got a 2nd series S (I have 1 upstairs & 1 down) & that did it too. Then i ended up here thinking it was actually my TV. Took a lot of testing to find out what was causing it,I had to rule out interference, router, TV, consoles, hdmi cables, hdmi ports, all kinds of settings on & off.


The only relief is the workaround, it's a pain but i tend to play destiny or black ops for 2-3 hours without turning over so it's ok for now. Hoping it's fixed but if not we'll look at a new TV next summer

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

I don't think I tried that but I'm pretty sure it's the actual update. I did have a theory but it seems it's wrong.


So ALLM requires hdmi 2.1 & 120hz refresh rate to work, but the glass TV maxes at 60hz, so I figured whatever the Devs did to add ALLM was a workaround to work at 60hz, so it was somehow compensating by maybe cutting frames & this was causing the jitter, BUT this doesn't explain why the jitter goes away when you turn the plug off then off, it works perfectly then, until you turn over. So as someone explained it has to the a software issue, so fixable.


Thing is, this update was in June I think, & I got my series X & noticed it in august, & I simply refuse to believe I played on series S for months with this jitter & only noticed it when I got my X.  I think I'm getting old lol



This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Could my theory be correct then.

Is the tv not switching frame rate correctly.

Could it be the tv is defaulting 50hz but the content being displayed from the xbox be 60hz?

That would cause jitter as is does on videos etc that why most devices have something call auto frame rate these days to match the content.

Maybe when you are unplugging the tv and switching to the xbox because that's the first image displayed it will display at 60hz

Problem is we can't find out, all other tv brands you can press the info button and it will always tell you what hz it is currently in

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

No, just turned it off the 50 & 24 & it still happens.,When you turn off ALLM you do have to turn the TV off & on with remote, but the delay is then very noticeable.


Has to be software because turning the TV off with the remote doesn't make it go away, but turning it off at the plug does.

This message was authored by DShib This message was authored by: DShib

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds



Yeah, I think that's what's happening. 


I think when the TV is first switched on, it's defaulting to 60hz/60fps, which is why if you're already in a game, switching to the console doesn't have an impact on the stuttering because it's already in the desired video mode, so there's no change. But when you flick to either a TV channel or go back to the Xbox menu, I would assume that both of these are displayed at 50hz/50fps and this is where the glitch is happening. It's almost like it's struggling to switch back to 60hz/60fps. 


@Daniel-F has asked me in a message for a few more video demonstrations, but I just simply haven't had the time recently. So if any of you could provide more videos, actually demonstrating the issue happening and when (e.g. when the TV is changing video modes when changing input), it'd be great. 


It's definitely a software issue and I would imagine a relatively easy fix for the dev team, it just seems as though A isn't talking to B on the TV and this is causing the glitch. Like it's trying to display 60hz content whilst still in 50hz mode. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

What's weird is most hdmi 2.1 features require 120hz, Inc ALLM, & the TV has hdmi 2.1 support, as advertised, but the screen is only 60hz so hdmi 2.1 is kinda pointless.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

So you're saying the Xbox desktop etc is 50hz, & then the TV can't push it back to 60hz once you go back to the game so it's stuck at 50hz, on a 60hz screen, causing jitter. Makes sense if true.


I mean they're asking for videos, we've given them videos, but it's very easy to see, if they don't have a console are we thinking this wasn't tested before rollout? That's a bit crazy imo. 


It's VERY simple to test, you just need a game where you can run your cursor slowly across the screen In a straight line & then you can clearly see the jumps. It doesn't come across as bad in video but ingane it's simply awful.

This message was authored by DShib This message was authored by: DShib

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

That's how it appears yeah. 


Similar to a PC monitor, if you change the resolution for example, the screen refreshes and then sets the mode you're selected. However, I think with the TV, it doesn't like going back from 50hz to 60 for whatever reason. 


This is why you won't see any stuttering on the Xbox menu or TV channels, because I would assume they are displayed in 50hz/50fps which matches the settings that the TV is in. If that makes sense. 

This message was authored by Robmcc83 This message was authored by: Robmcc83

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

So basically the sky glass tv is a 60hz panel but it appears to default everything tv related to 50hz. The only way we can get 60hz to work is to load something that is 60hz unplug the tv. Then plug it back in and make sure the first thing we open is the 60hz device?

Nah I'll be sending this tv back, it's been out long enough now to surely not have a problem like this.

My old samsung tv was only 60hz and the series s I have and ALLM worked fine on that, even with auto set game mode.

With auto set the old Samsung tv would pop up in the corner when you launch a game saying game mode enabled then when you exit the game back to main menu it would go back to normal. No problems whatsoever 


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