Discussion topic: 2 years on..

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

2 years on..



So I've had Glass for 2 years now.

I originally had the lot, all bells and whistles in terms of subscriptions and UHD add ons.

I'm reluctant to get another one at present -unleds a deal presented itself as too good to miss, but all things aside, it's generally served us well and we haven't missed having a hard drive recorder too much.

But of late the UHD sound and content hasn't been up to scratch as is well documented on other posts and you still can't separate the sould settings from.thd picture presets.. Vivid picture with auto sound please!

I'm now no longer as free and knocking it all down a step as in Disney and Netflix to cheaper plans.

Oddly the TV handles sound better this way, certainly with the virtual surround enabled.

I do wonder what will happen to these sets in a few years, landfill shouldn't be an option and there's currently no feasible upgrade if you wanted rid of an old one- albeit as a glorified monitor, the system is too tied down to use it as a normal TV and not user friendly if not tied to Sky- but I get that.

Will glass ever get it's 2nd generation? Apparently so but I'm told it's another year away.

Wait and see I guess.

A point on the siuld though, it handles lfe or bass content badly, but I've always been a tone man myself anyway..


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