Discussion topic: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t be s

This message was authored by Mikil1 This message was authored by: Mikil1

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

That would be great. Although I think I've moderators from about 2 years ago saying the same thing. Hopefully it does get sorted. It's crazy, surely it's just a case of some coders doing a days job? Not gonna take 2 years and cost hundreds of millions. Ask someone from Netflix to help out lol 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mikil1 wrote:

That would be great. Although I think I've moderators from about 2 years ago saying the same thing. Hopefully it does get sorted. It's crazy, surely it's just a case of some coders doing a days job? Not gonna take 2 years and cost hundreds of millions. Ask someone from Netflix to help out lol 

Without knowledge of how Sky internal systems are designed I wouldn't wish to speculate on how complex a task it might be. If it truly was 'a days job' (sic) I imagine it's something that would have been completed long ago.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mikil1 wrote:

That would be great. Although I think I've moderators from about 2 years ago saying the same thing. Hopefully it does get sorted. It's crazy, surely it's just a case of some coders doing a days job? Not gonna take 2 years and cost hundreds of millions. Ask someone from Netflix to help out lol 

Unless people work for Sky and with the systems Sky use then they cannot possibly know what is involved to be able to give/guess timescales and how complex changing things are

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
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This message was authored by Sarah+Yorksher This message was authored by: Sarah+Yorksher

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

What I find baffling is that if  I watch BBC on Sky the subtitles are huge but if I watch on iplayer I can choose the size of titles.


surely if the Beeb can do it, Sky would be able to. 
 A quarter of the screen size is blummin ridiculous 

This message was authored by Mikil1 This message was authored by: Mikil1

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

That's why I said get someone from Netflix to help out. They've got it sorted pretty well  😉 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mikil1 wrote:

That's why I said get someone from Netflix to help out. They've got it sorted pretty well  😉 

You obviously know nothing about software development 😞 In your world are all computers systems/languages/software the same?

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Mikil1 This message was authored by: Mikil1

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Calm down Annie. It was just a lighthearted joke. Maybe you're just not a very good computer programmer 🤔 The Netflix guys seem to find it easy. And you're right I don't know anything about computer programming, thanks for pointing it out twice. I didn't realise this was the I.T. University online programme 

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


We welcome healthy debate from all angles and understand how emotive this subject can be, however can we be mindful of the Community Guidelines please.

Community Manager
This message was authored by Mick8491 This message was authored by: Mick8491

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Wow, a Sky employee has read a post. Have you been monitoring the past two or more years @KevNewMedia ? If so, do you have any sway with the powers that be regarding Subtitles? Asking for a friend 🙄

This message was authored by Mossy This message was authored by: Mossy

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

I total agree .last time i spoken to sky they said they are dealing with issue .it now 2 years down the line they have not sorted my issues. Very poor service 👎

This message was authored by mr.tickle This message was authored by: mr.tickle

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mossy wrote:

I total agree .last time i spoken to sky they said they are dealing with issue .it now 2 years down the line they have not sorted my issues. Very poor service 👎

I expect it was a reply which implied there would be a future function to let us all have smaller subtitles, but didn't actually commit to it.

I do not have a sig other than this message. Sky+HD.
Enjoying HDR with 4k Blu-Ray, Amazon, YouTube and gaming since 2016.
This message was authored by AMFrost This message was authored by: AMFrost

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

I got up this morning intent on changin the ridiculously large, badly placed subtitles on my Sky TV. Little did I know that having scoured through the settings, the Internet and finally all the posts on this forum that I would be faced with the obvious. Sky doesn't give a damn about sorting this issue out. After years of complaints, a company that has £ billions at it's disposal and some of the best technicians in the world, they still have not addressed this very simple problem. 


The subtitles size, positioning and white on black bar design seems to me, almost certainly designed to annoy. It certainly annoys my whole family and I. 


  • Come on Sky, you can do better than this. Sort your sub par subtitles out.
This message was authored by Cassa This message was authored by: Cassa

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

I take on board and can agree to some extent concerning about the size of subtitles, but not everyones' vision is the same.

My complaint and I've aired it more than once is the lack of subtitles on catch up or on demand programming.

I've contacted at least half a dozen channels, Alibi, Drama, ITV, Channels 4&5 and even Sky.

Sky say it's nothing to do with them, although they allow these channels to use their platform, the channels themselves say it's not their fault also. When these programs were first shown the vast majority had subtitles, now they don't. Big subtitles are better than no subtitles.

This message was authored by grahamwa This message was authored by: grahamwa

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

The worst I have came across is on ITV Player. Subtitles the usual huge block type that can;t be resized but the position of them smack in the middle of the screen. I suppose it stops you trying to lipread. The fact that it is claimed they work with the RNID, is myth and legend. Nothing on the charities website indicates they work with any TV provider.

This message was authored by Aildon123 This message was authored by: Aildon123

Subtitles in middle of screen !

Why oh why is Sky the only streaming service who puts subtitles right across the center of the screen! Makes no sense and no consideration for the hard of hearing 


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