I received an email from sky with offer to reactivate my sky + HD box free for 6 months with limited features, so we set about setting the box up (boxed up since we had to cancel subscription) it proved to be a bit of a challenge the box needed software upate l contact sky help on live chat,also spoke with a team member on the phone and a call centre all of which to a few days to sort out l am now one very happy customer
won't bore you all with the tec details but the box is sorted and is running like a dream! I wanted to a big Thankyou to of the Sky team who were so very helpful in all area's you read and hear so much negative stuff about customer service, l have been with sky for 13yrs and have always received GOOD service. Thankyou for this offer l am going to enjoy this gift and hopefully in 2016 l will be able to have SKY TV again.