Re: A BIG THANK U TO GEORGE SPENCE IN RETENTIONS - Status changed to: Mission Accomplished

I have been with Sky for sometime now on a Sim Only package 📦 x. I had called on numerous occasions regarding my talk plan as I was aware that I had a lot of data banked up as I was not using it and the package plane kept of creeping up from £7.00 to £11.00. I was advised to purchase accessories with my data bank but looked on line and there was nothing that I wanted. I was disappointed ☹️ that I could not sell back the data to sky for a cash equivalent. I then asked for my pac code (this would be the second time) . I was advised to send the word PAC followed by my DOB (tried 6 & 8 digits) every time receiving a message advising it was incorrect.  Cutting a long story short I called up on Saturday 10th June 2023 and got transferred to George in retentions as I was having difficulty with the PAC code.  After speaking with George who asked my why I wanted it (advised no one had suggested I lower my data plane until I use up all the banked data and to stop any more data being banked) the issues with the pac code and in general to lack of care/empathy from the staff towards myself. Also when I had no coverage what so ever as something had happened on yr side I was advised after being in the line for an hour that I would get free data for the weekend which is no good to me as I had plenty of data.  I did advise t the operator t ask the team lead t get a automated voice message on the line advising customers calling in that u r aware of the outage and are in the process to fixing it.

George was absolutely fabulous. He has restored my faith in sky by lowering my data, advising how to load my data from my piggy bank, gave me a discount and showed he cared about my situation and there was empathy there too.


You need more staff like George and he definately needs to be recognised for all his hard work.


he also sorted my fathers return of iPods which he had requested for a return package to put them in and he had not received this and George made sure this was actioned as it was still stuck in the system.


George keep up your hard work and thank u once again 🙏🏽

Status changed to: We’re Finding your Staff Member
Status changed to: Mission Accomplished

Hi @Randhp1 


Thank you for your post and sharing your experience with Sky. We have sent your thanks onto the staff member and their manager. 





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