Discussion topic: Forum Signature query

This message was authored by Numan2 This message was authored by: Numan2

Forum Signature query

Why do people on this forum think it's cool to list what products they own how many different subscriptions they have etc etc etc etc. I don't understand it and find it sort of crass? 


Moderator note: amended inappropriate title

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This message was authored by Chloe-W22 This message was authored by: Chloe-W22 Answer

Re: Forum Signature query

Posted by a Sky employee

Hey @Numan2! Welcome to the Sky Community forum!


Our forum is for customers to support other customers with their Sky products and services, and any other tech that might compliment their subscriptions. Having your products and packages listed can give other users confidence that you know and use these services too - but also makes for a pretty nice Community signature 💃


Community Manager


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