Discussion topic: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error

This message was authored by V111 This message was authored by: V111

Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error

Hi, help, so frustrated.

having spent hours on Yahoo website and as a last resort, also Sky website, I cannot find an answer to the following.

I've accidentally deleted a folder from my Sky Yahoo Mail. Is it possible to restore a folder?


Via Yahoo I can locate articles about individual mails but not regarding a folder and can't find a simple way to address this directly with Yahoo 

Sadly, I suspect answer is no, any help would be appreciated. I'm using  iPhone/iPad.


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@V111 wrote:

Sadly, I suspect answer is no, any help would be appreciated. I'm using  iPhone/iPad.

Is the folder itself appearing in your trash/bin folder, if it is can you select it to restore it to where it was. If it wasn't can you no recreate it and then move the emails from the trash to it ?

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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Are you using an email app? Or logging into the server using your browser via sky.com?


The server version will only allow you to delete an empty folder.(just tried it).


You could log in via Sky.com to see if the folder is still there on the server.


I'd guess that what an app allows you to do depends on the app you're using. Do the contents of the app's Deleted folder include the contents of the folder you've deleted by mistake,, for example?



Topic Author
This message was authored by V111 This message was authored by: V111

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error


I deleted folder on either iPhone or iPad via Yahoo App. Last email was added to relevant folder approx 12 months ago


I've checked 'Trash' Via Yahoo App and Sky  - Yahoo, neither show folder nor any emails older than Jan 2025


Thanks for suggestions 




Topic Author
This message was authored by V111 This message was authored by: V111

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error


please see earlier reply to 'caesarome'


I'd previously tried to locate deleted folder in 'Trash' via app on iPhone or iPad, following your message I've checked via sky.com using iPad 


Sadly neither folder nor any older emails are in 'Trash'


Thanks for advice




This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Have a read of this as it might be worth a try:


If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
Topic Author
This message was authored by V111 This message was authored by: V111

Re: Yahoo Mail - Sky email address - Is it possible to Restore a Folder deleted in error


thanks for info, I've already tried a recovery request.  

The format of the request is very brief, you can't edit/add full information, hence the response didn't help as it referred only to messages not folders


I rechecked folders and emails after the 8 hour window, although various emails had been restored, no trace of folder or any relevant emails






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