Discussion topic: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

This message was authored by CarolB99 This message was authored by: CarolB99

Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

I am getting my emails from many people regularly but not from Sky. I've bought a new contract phone on 9/02/24 and was trying to get a code for an e-sim but sky/sky help are sending me emails but I cannot receive them, even during phone calls with an agent on any mobile, iPad or laptop. 

I believe my yahoo account has been deleted as I did not log on a web browser for the six month rule however I am still getting other  emails. 
as this is my primary sky email and I access it through a iPad through a yahoo account how can this be? 


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This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@CarolB99 wrote:

I believe my yahoo account has been deleted as I did not log on a web browser for the six month rule however I am still getting other  emails.  

As long as you are receiving emails to your Sky account from other senders, then it definitely hasn't been deleted..

I don't believe it is necessary to actually use a browser to access your email, as long as you access it regularly via other methods. (for instance on your iPad)

However I can't think why emails from Sky are not getting to you, other than they are using the wrong email address.

Topic Author
This message was authored by CarolB99 This message was authored by: CarolB99

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

@jayach have called Sky and confirmed my email is correct, they even changed it to another of my Sky email addresses and still haven't received anything so they changed it back. 

This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If it is happening with 2 different Sky email addresses, it sounds like the problem is at their end.

This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

When you set up your Sky/Yahoo email on the iPad did you choose the Yahoo or Other option? If Other then I would try setting the account up again using the Yahoo option.
Also what are your incoming & outgoing server settings?

I don’t work for Sky.
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Topic Author
This message was authored by CarolB99 This message was authored by: CarolB99

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

@twilight+princess Thanks for the answer,  I did set it up with the Yahoo option.  I'm not keen to delete and set up again in case I can't sign back i

This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Did the setup state that you needed to authenticate the account by logging into via Yahoo? Once the sky email & password were entered you should've been asked whether you'd like to approve the account. If not then you'll require an app specific password.

You should see a pop up about updating Sky email & offering to create an app specific password.

I don’t work for Sky.
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This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@CarolB99 says that she is receiving all emails, except the ones from Sky, so there is no problem with the setup of the app.

This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jayach If your reply was for me then I was referring to the account setup rather than the app.

I don’t work for Sky.
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Topic Author
This message was authored by CarolB99 This message was authored by: CarolB99

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Thankfully all sorted now through Sky Facebook messenger although it did take a little while I'm now receiving emails again. However I decided against asking for the 75+ to be resent 😂

Thanks for responding 🥰

This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Im not receiving emails from SKY, an agent said I have 75, why is this

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Good to know all is working again. 

I don’t work for Sky.
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