Discussion topic: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

This message was authored by xedrrez This message was authored by: xedrrez

cant see parental controls app on my sky app

just have had the sky max hub installed with the ability to set schedules but i cant see the parental controls option on the broadband section of the app



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This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this. 

Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.

Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147

This message was authored by Tom-W19 This message was authored by: Tom-W19

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @xedrrez 


A private chat was started but there was no response within 48 hours so it has automatically closed.

If you still need help with this please let us know by posting on the forum again and we will get it escalated through to us.

This message was authored by CJSCRAFTS This message was authored by: CJSCRAFTS

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Hi, I am having the same issue.  My new Max hub was installed yesterday and I could set up a few devices (but not all) and now I can't see the parental controls anywhere, devices or the time restrictions.  Not helpful at all.  I also cannot get the mini sky box to connect to the new Wi-Fi either.  Can anyone help please?  

Thank you.

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@CJSCRAFTS check the My Sky app and click on Broadband scroll down and you should see the parental controls section which you can configure if you have bought the WiFi Max add-on see https://www.sky.com/help/articles/sky-wifi-max


Regarding the Q mini the new hub is not compatable with old Sky Q wifi mesh so you will have to link the Q mini to the main Q box using wps not the hub itself. You will also lose the use of wifi hot spots the Q boxes supply when using a black hub.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by CJSCRAFTS This message was authored by: CJSCRAFTS

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Hi, thank you for replying.  I can see the parental controls now, but they were not there at all yesterday when I wrote this, I searched through everything and the Broadband section about 20 times.  That is really concerning, if I need to pause it and then they disappear again, I could end up with no Wi-Fi.  Has anyone else had this?


In regards to the Sky Mini, what do you mean by the WPS please, I have ME and my cognition can be affected making it hard to remember everything.  Thank you




This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



In regards to the Sky Mini, what do you mean by the WPS 


WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) is the button press on each device to get them to link together.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by CJSCRAFTS This message was authored by: CJSCRAFTS

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

That is what I have been doing.  I have followed all of the instructions that the system gives me, but it will not connect.  I have tried turning everything off completely and rebooting them and then redoing the instructions, but they still will not connect.

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@CJSCRAFTS there can be a delay when you buy the bundle before the controls appear. Never lnown them disapear though.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by CJSCRAFTS This message was authored by: CJSCRAFTS

Re: cant see parental controls app on my sky app

Thank you everyone that tried to help... here is what I did...


  I tried following all of the instructions, tried pressing the wps button on both the router and the sky Q box, and could never pass step 2.  I then decided to try to reconnect the internet through the settings on the mini.  It said try another sky Q booster, I do have a Sky booster A(not sure if it is a Sky Q or not) anyway, it took me straight to step 4 and finally worked.  Not sure for how long....


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