Discussion topic: Will I still have my current sky broadband if I upgrade to fiber until the engineer comes out?

This message was authored by ConnorEades This message was authored by: ConnorEades

Will I still have my current sky broadband if I upgrade to fiber until the engineer comes out?

Hello, I'm already a sky customer and I want to upgrade to ultrafast fiber but I need an engineer to come out and put a new line in. Will my current Internet stay while waiting for it to be changed over or will I be without Internet for the 9 days it says it'll be for an engineer to come out?

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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Will I still have my current sky broadband if I upgrade to fiber until the engineer comes out?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ConnorEades  If you currently have superfast broadband with Sky. When the outside work is done and the inside work is complete. If you either have the Sky broadband hub or Sky broadband Max hub then all you need to do is disconnect the dsl cable and have an eithernet cable plugged into the WAN port on the router which is then plugged into the ONT.


You will stay connected on superfast till this is completed.

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This message was authored by daveNOS This message was authored by: daveNOS

Re: Will I still have my current sky broadband if I upgrade to fiber until the engineer comes out?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ConnorEades Your current service will continue until your new one is installed and activated.

This message was authored by loverboi This message was authored by: loverboi

Re: Will I still have my current sky broadband if I upgrade to fiber until the engineer comes out?

@ConnorEadesyes it should continue till the the install is fully completed and sometime in the day your copper line will be deactivated/disconnected and you should be running your broadband off the new full fiber line but please be advised if you use a landline phone it will now have to be plugged into the rear of the hub instaed of the master socket you should see a differnce in your speeds toohope this helps 🙂 😄


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