Discussion topic: Wifi checks say everything is fine but its super slow, netflix wont even load now

This message was authored by Sidmouth1 This message was authored by: Sidmouth1

Wifi checks say everything is fine but its super slow, netflix wont even load now

The routers middle light goes off, then orange then back on. This has happened every few months for 5 years, been sent 4 routers in total and had 3 engineers out. The checks I run on the app say everything is fine but its not, its the slowest its ever been. Netflix doeant even load anymore its that bad. Help! Should i try to get out of my contract, im so sick of this.

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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Wifi checks say everything is fine but its super slow, netflix wont even load now

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sidmouth1 Could you please post your router stats following the link below.

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This message was authored by Brummieboy69 This message was authored by: Brummieboy69

Re: Wifi checks say everything is fine but its super slow, netflix wont even load now

Light in middle of the router flashes, stays orange for 10 seconds & return gors out.


Broadband check says no issue so what is the problem/solution?


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