Discussion topic: Switching to Vodaphone Broadband

This message was authored by billbir This message was authored by: billbir

Switching to Vodaphone Broadband

I am 1 month from a broadband contract. At the moment Sky are suggesting that it will increase by £32 per month!! There appears to be some impediment to them reviewing that deal and consequently I am drifting towards a deadline. I have no intention of paying the increase so I have two options:-

1) Negotiate a lower deal which seems currently impossible.

2) Move to a new broadband provider. My area supports Vodaphone but I have no idea whether it will work with my SkyStream package. 

Anyone switched to Vodaphone broadband and were there any issues. I have been with Sky for 25 years so would prefer option 1) but I need a Plan B.


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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Switching to Vodaphone Broadband

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@billbir  Your Sky stream is only looking for a broadband connection in order to work, so yes it would work with another provider.

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