Discussion topic: Sky WIFI max Hub

This message was authored by Gaz_ This message was authored by: Gaz_

Sky WIFI max Hub

So, I've got the new white WiFi max hub, setup fine with 2 mini boxes, no problems...


issue is my ring camera is showing poor signal, but put in my old hub it shows good signal ? Am I missing something here.


another question is, the WiFi max, I've 2 x old boosters what will connect to the max hub, how would I know if there working properly, now I did a test and when I set up a mini boxes and it said go the the nearest device I chose the older WiFi booster, it obtained an IP and worked fine...  but only draw back is the ring cameras have extremely poor signal.


any suggestions 


All Replies

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Sky WIFI max Hub

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Gaz_ with the old hub your Sky Q boxes and boosters acted as wifi extenders which thry dont with the new hub which probably explains why the ring camera stopped working as it connected via one of the Q boxes.


The old boosters cannot be used to extend the new hub's wifi but can have use to ensure the connection between the main Q box and the Q minis work. To extend your the hub's WiFi you nedd matched pods that can come as part of the WiFi Max bundle see https://www.sky.com/help/articles/hub-lights-explained-start



65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by Lisa2378 This message was authored by: Lisa2378

Re: Sky WIFI max Hub

Not helpful 

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Sky WIFI max Hub

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Lisa2378 if you want help,please post some details of your problem.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode

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