Discussion topic: Poor online gameplay

This message was authored by Graeme87 This message was authored by: Graeme87

Poor online gameplay

I had recently moved to fibre broadband on approx 70 mbps. The change to fibre means the internet box has moved to the hall. I play online on the ps5 and there is a lot of buffering. I invested in powerline adaptors and although it has improved, there is a bit of buffering whilst playing. 
I usually play at nights when there is very little disruption and try to disconnect a lot of devices. 
I've also tried to change it to 5 ghz only on ps5. Is there anything more I can do? I feel like I am running out of options. 


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Poor online gameplay

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Your main two options would be direct ethernet or 3rd party gaming router

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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