Discussion topic: Openreach refusing to pay compensation

This message was authored by IvyG1 This message was authored by: IvyG1

Openreach refusing to pay compensation

My BB went down on 14 november. A sky Engineer stated an Openreach Investgation was needed. This was booked and I was told it would take 3 weeks as it was an external fault and they needed to get permission from the council. 


I duly waited and 3 weeks later a Sky engineer turned up to find out that the work had not been done and remained in the ether somewhere!


I was left without a phone or BB until 03/01/25. I was continuously fobbed off and not updated in that entire time.  I have an autistic Epileptic Daughter and we were without BB all over Christmas and New Year. I was unable to use paid for services, such as Ring, Netflix ETC. We could only watch old skool TV as and when it happened to be on (which is dross btw!). My daughter was unable to do homework, or play online games and I couldn't WFH. I contuned to pay Sky for 2 mths for a service I was not receiving which remains uncompensated. 


I am aware that this sounds very first world problems and I have tried to be understanding however, as a single parent this has really upset me with the Christmas experience my daughter received. 


My only saving grace was the autocompensation of 9.76 per day. 


Having called Sky today I have been informed (no-one bothered AGAIN to contact me - I had to chase) that Openreach have refused to pay compensation with no reason stated!


I am genuinely gobsmacked! I have raised this with ADR which has been reverted back to SKY. 


What possible reason could they have to deny this!!


They used an excuse about recent storms, however, the storm in our area happened AFTER the 3 weeks I initially waited, so had this been done in the first place, I would not have had to wait the full 8 weeks. 

Any help gladly appreciated. 


All Replies

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Openreach refusing to pay compensation

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@IvyG1  Unfiortunatley if Openreach invoked Fource Majeure therev isn't much you can do.


Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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Topic Author
This message was authored by IvyG1 This message was authored by: IvyG1

Re: Openreach refusing to pay compensation

The storm occured 3 weeks and 2 days AFTER I reported the fault. How can that possibly be put in retrospectivley. 


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