Discussion topic: No broadband for 5 weeks

This message was authored by emmabj This message was authored by: emmabj

No broadband for 5 weeks

Little or no broadband service for 5 weeks! We have 3 sky engineer visits which trigger an openreach visit each time they have changed the telephone wire that comes to the house (and by that I mean to the telephone pole from the house) changed the sky box the telephone port and multiple other wires.... every time it pretty much works for a day then nothing completely drops out and will not come back on no matter how many times sky tell me to reset it etc. 

This time the openreach engineer texted me directly and told me to let them know if it dropped out again (this was Monday) they have promised to come back by the end of the week. 
Sick of calling sky and getting nowhere but don't want to switch providers until the actual issue is rectified....


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: No broadband for 5 weeks

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Its pointless ranting to Sky when your issue is clearly one with the core Openreach network itself. If you keep needing engineers out and Openreach are personally texting you then this suggests the problem is quite complicated, otherwise it would have been fixed in 1-2 visits. 


All you can do is keep following up with Sky/Openreach and getting engineers sent out until the problem can be rectified.

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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