Discussion topic: My guarantee speed is lower for last weeks.

This message was authored by Greg34 This message was authored by: Greg34

My guarantee speed is lower for last weeks.

Minimum guarantee speed lower than expected to get

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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: My guarantee speed is lower for last weeks.

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@Greg34  We need a little bit more information. What speed are you suppsed to get between and what minimum are you supposed to get.


Could you please post your router stats following the link below.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Greg34 This message was authored by: Greg34

Re: My guarantee speed is lower for last weeks.

Thanks for quick response 


Router Statistics
System Up Time: 238:50:34

Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Collision Pkts Tx b/s Rx b/s Up Time WAN MER 5907608 13837389 0 133026 3300141 32:23:48 LAN Down 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00 WLAN (2.4 GHz) Up 28904636 12351494 0 658 0 238:48:48 WLAN (5 GHz) Up 64543469 31846487 0 0 133277 238:48:48

Broadband Link Downstream Upstream Connection Speed 49000 kbps 20000 kbps Line Attenuation D1(11.9 dB) , D2(28.6 dB) , D3(43.5 dB) U0(3.6 dB) , U1(21.3 dB) , U2(32.8 dB) Noise Margin 12.1 dB 9.0 dB

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