Discussion topic: Intermittent internet, ways to get support?

This message was authored by dimke This message was authored by: dimke

Intermittent internet, ways to get support?

I have a 500mbps plan and it's mostly OK, although I do get the occasional hiccup. However today it's been dreadful: without the actual connection dropping (hub reports A-OK), people freeze in meetings, web pages time-out, until it comes back usually half a minute later. I get full speed internet until it stalls, then comes back full speed again. Trying their broadband checker, if it's the time it works, it comes back with over 400mbps, if the stall happens while it's running I get a "Sorry our tests are currently unavailable" error. I reset the router of course. No, it's not the WiFi, my main device is on ethernet to the hub, so it happens to all devices at the same time. Tried to get support, the online bot is very focused on wifi issues, but after I finished the script it told me I could ask here, or call a talk-talk only number, which doesn't work on my mobile. The irony is I have talk talk included in my package, but I don't actually have a physical phone because this is the 2020s... Any suggestions? I might order a phone from Amazon to call them, but I have not seen such reluctance to offer support before...