Discussion topic: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Hi all and happy new year!!

I've recently set up a DECO mesh network at my children's (and their mother's) house.  
Mainly becuase they had lots of wifi dead spots (upstairs was patchy as hell) but also as my daughter had moved into a converted garage at the side of their house.

With a few tweaks via help on the Deco forums, I've pretty much got it stable.  

However, I need to disable the Sky router/network (logged in via admin) so I'm not having two networks pitted against each other.
It struck me that if I do so, the Sky hub may not see the new Mesh network - I went into settings in the Sky TV set up and could only see the Sky network.  

Does anyone have experience with a similar. set up?  I was going to just disable the sky network anyway last night, but as I was round last night (watching a film via Prime on the Sky apps) thought I better not!

The other option is to (if possible) wire the Sky Q box into the router (mesh) via a LAN cable, but may struggle to run a cable neatly (and it's not my home!).



All Replies

This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router



You need to explain in some detail as to how you setup your deco mesh and it's connection to

the sky router?

Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Ah apologies.
First time I've played around with networking (and certainly Mesh networks) for some time.

Hope this provides more detail:

I've connected the first of the three Deco S7's to the Sky Hub via ethernet cable. 
The 2nd and 3rd are in different areas of the house.

I have (via the DECO app):

      * Set up as Fast Roaming and Beam Forming.
      * Set up as Access Points
      * Set to 5ghz only network

I will likely hardwire/LAN cable my daghter's PC into the 3rd Deco unit (which sits further away in the aforementioned garage conversion).

After optimising everything seems far more stable (especially in the previously sketchy dead spot areas like upstairs). I do need to alter a Firestick settings to point to the Mesh network but other than that, all set.

Devices are either iPhones, iPads, Macbook and the PC (which I'll grab an ethernet cable for).

It's just disabling the Sky router without affecting the Sky TV box I'm not too sure about.


This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router


You have done well, so question, on deco did you keep same SSID as the sky router does not matter apart from possible Q box, and if the Q box can be connected by ethernet to the router, i think you can turn of the Router WiFi and Q WiFi with no issues. But looks like you are well on the way

Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router


Yes - the other option was to simply (?) change the SSID on the new mesh network and have all devices igmore the Sky SSID.  

Feels neater to just uncheck all the Sky routing options via admin log in. But this is the bit that might throw out the Sky Q set up I feel.

Ethernet is an option but it's not my home so not sure how they'd feel about having a 5 metres cable circumnavigating the fireplace (router in one end of the room, whereare the TV is in another.
Worth exploring this though.

I'm about to head over there as it happens - worth taking a chance on turning off the Sky router in admin then seeing what happens with the Sky Q box?  How easy is it to change the SSID for the new Deco network?


This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router


You can also try the Q connected to the deco SID, would be just as quick, and if it works and no issue's

the turn the sky wifi off.

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@somapop if the home has any Sky Q mini boxes they will need a Sky mesh network to connect if not all other Sky TV boxes can connect to the Deco wifi and the Sky hub's wifi can be turned off.


If any Q minis need wifi connection things get more complex but you can set the Sky hub to use ch36 40MHz in its 5GHz wifi settings and use the Optimise option in the Deco app's Advanced section which should stear the Deco to use a different 5GHz channel range of ch44 or above. By default the Sky signals will interfere with ch 36 to ch52 the change to 40MHz halves that to ch36 to ch44.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

I've not had the opportunity to swtich this over this evening (they were watching the TV etc) but will find time over the next week/weekend.

There's just the one Sky Q box that this would affect (the main tv).  As mentioned above, I can hapoily log into admin and turn off the Sky router - it's just whether the Sky box would then find the Deco on the network (I couldn't see it in the sky tv settings - just the sky one),
The channel frequency reference sounds interesting - hard to visualise what that looks like but I'll take a peek when next round.

Asgain, wired ethernet would be ideal but not sure if that will happen (without pulling the edges of the carpet up etc!

Thanks all!

This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router


I have to think back now so this was 2/3 years ago, my son moved from sky to vodafone, to avoid

all the issue's with his Q box and Q mini, i set up the vodafone router with the same old sky SSID

that was being used at that time so the boxes had been connected to the old sky router, there was no problems or issue's, and if i remember correctly all i had to do was reconnect them to new router,

but i will have to find my old sheet's of document regarding the vodafone router, as i cannot remember

if when i changed the SSID i matched it with the old SKY password for the WiFi also.

So my thought has to be, the vodafone router had the name of a sky SSID, and it did not care on the Q box.

Will try to find the document it's on an older laptop and will post for you. Hope this makes sense.

Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Ah yes @JimM1  - would be super helpful if you have any deets that process.

Might be a case of me just tackling the thing when I'm next over.  I can always take the sky router back online if it messes things up.


This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router



Ok double checked on the old laptop.

Changed the vodafone SSID to the original sky SSID.

Did not change the wifi password of the vodafone router.


So either i did, or the boy did, reconnect the Q box and the Q mini, but if i remember the Q mini

was connected by ethernet to the vodafone router, but the Q box definatly was wireless for sure.

Either way, the name for the network SSID and that would be your Deco was that of sky name you have current.... There was no issues and it run this way for years.

Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Thanks @JimM1 
Will report back as to what happens when I next go over.

Meanwhile I've ordered a couple of ethernet cables (and if room allows will see if I can connect direct to the Sky Q box).  

Topic Author
This message was authored by somapop This message was authored by: somapop

Re: Deco Mesh S7 and Sky Hub - disabling Sky router

Just to add:
I haven't had the opportunity to turn off the Sky router (Via admin as discussed above yet).
Waiting for a moment when the house isn't full of people but I mess with that (and their potential evening TV viewing etc!).

However, over the weekend when I was over I managed to fix up my daughter's PC via ethernet to the Deco unit.  This has signficiantly increased the speed of he internet on her machine (metrics support that!!!....like Roblox pings!!).

However, I notied her PC is on the SKY router via the ethernet and I can't see the Deco Mesh network (it's on there as it's connected to the Deco unit and shows up as connected device on the app).

Will going ahead and turning the SKY router fix this?



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