Discussion topic: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

This message was authored by SkinnerChinner This message was authored by: SkinnerChinner

Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Hi all, can anyone advise my limited understanding of what Ultrafast is?


My broadband package (Superfast Broadband) is due renewal is due next month, online I have 4 options;


- Full Fibre 100

- Ultrafast

- Ultrafast +

- Gigafast


My main questions are;


1) Are these all fibre packages? If so, FTTC or FTTP?

2) Do they require an ONT installed within my property? Is a non-ONT option available?


My main problem is I rent a mid-terrace, the current master sockets come through next to front door but has no power to it (nearest is at opposite end of hallway - some 'genius' signed that off when it was built).  I suspect moving fibre entry point would be difficult as I'm the middle of the terrace row.


Thanks in advance (Sky Support was as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike).


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This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



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Sky Stream , Sky Superfast, SR203 router, Tp link td w9970 + Asus RT AX58U (backup), Xbox Series X, google home mini, LG 55 inch uhd tv, with Dolbyvision, samsung a5 2017 and samsung s21

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This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Also ultrafast 150Mbps can be delivered via g.fast via the same phone line but when fttp is available it will also be fttp and as such all the above will require an ont to be installed

Sky Stream , Sky Superfast, SR203 router, Tp link td w9970 + Asus RT AX58U (backup), Xbox Series X, google home mini, LG 55 inch uhd tv, with Dolbyvision, samsung a5 2017 and samsung s21

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Topic Author
This message was authored by SkinnerChinner This message was authored by: SkinnerChinner

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Thanks @cookiemonsteruk 






This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SkinnerChinner wrote:



- Full Fibre 100

- Ultrafast

- Ultrafast +

- Gigafast


My main questions are;


1) Are these all fibre packages? If so, FTTC or FTTP?


They are FTTP.  FTTC has a maximum speed of 80Mbs, while both Ultrafast+ and Gigafast can only be delivered over a purely optical circuit.


2) Do they require an ONT installed within my property?


Yes, with drilling through a wall to get the new optical cable in place.


Is a non-ONT option available?


No: while Ultrafast (150Mbs) can be delivered over an existing copper line in areas provisioned for G.fast, the appearance of those higher speeds show your address is in an FTTP area and that always trumps G.fast.


* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



It is an underground installation served by an existing duct. Therefore likely to follndw the same route in as the existing line. After which they will install a grey box where the external cable ends before being spliced to a fibre pigtail with ont installed 10 metres from where the cable enters

Sky Stream , Sky Superfast, SR203 router, Tp link td w9970 + Asus RT AX58U (backup), Xbox Series X, google home mini, LG 55 inch uhd tv, with Dolbyvision, samsung a5 2017 and samsung s21

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Topic Author
This message was authored by SkinnerChinner This message was authored by: SkinnerChinner

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Thanks both @cookiemonsteruk @TimmyBGood 


Looks like I'll need to get an extra socket put in for an ONT.


Much appreciated.

This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



The ont also needs to be 3ft from an existing electric socket but would be easier to be flexible with the 10 m rule to facilitate your needs

Sky Stream , Sky Superfast, SR203 router, Tp link td w9970 + Asus RT AX58U (backup), Xbox Series X, google home mini, LG 55 inch uhd tv, with Dolbyvision, samsung a5 2017 and samsung s21

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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Also worth giving some thought to where router and phone is best located.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

I can only tell about  my experience of full fibre  to  the property, the open  reach  engineer  showed  me  which telephone pole the cable would  come from how it would be fixed  to the  property , where I would like the grey open reach customer service point put outside  the house  and  where I would like the  o n t box put in the house , as my old open  reach  master  socket  was  like yours  near the front door, but this is now useless, and he put my o n t box in the living room, I am on gigafast  broadband, the engineer  tested the broadband  before  he left, it took him about 2 hours to complete 

This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Also  I asked  the open reach engineer  about connecting the power of the o n t to a power point,  but he said and my is connected  to an extension  socket  and it works fine, be on fftp this the 17th  of  January  this year 

This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Broadband renewal. Ultrafast install requirements?

Also my in my area  last month the people  on fftc broadband  had no Internet  for 2 days, I was not effected by this as I was on fftp


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