Discussion topic: Booster disconnected

This message was authored by Mrs_hughes This message was authored by: Mrs_hughes

Booster disconnected

I know this will sound silly but had fibre optic installed and new router today and completely forgot about the booster in the attic until son went to bed and his tablet wouldn't work how do I reset my booster to the new router please, before I am the worst mum ever and ruin school hols! Thanks 


All Replies

This message was authored by loverboi This message was authored by: loverboi

Re: Booster disconnected

@Mrs_hughes hi hold the reset button on the rear of the booster and once it flashes green about 3 times and once it goes solid green wait for it to fully boot  and once you see the power and wifi light on  and the connected/broad band light is off then press the wps button on the router and booster and whebn its completed the connection bothe the wps lights will stop flashing orange and go solid green but its better to wait for both lights to be completly off then you know the connection has completed the pairing hope that helps 🙂 : D

Topic Author
This message was authored by Mrs_hughes This message was authored by: Mrs_hughes

Re: Booster disconnected

 Hi @loverboi I am not sure if the booster your referring to is different to mine but after the reset the power light flashes green then turns red then back to solid green and the WiFi solid green however the connected light is still off I tried to reset last night I've even reset router and booster at the same time could my booster just be too old  to connect to the new router other boosters look more modern.


This message was authored by loverboi This message was authored by: loverboi

Re: Booster disconnected

@Mrs_hughesyou need to hold the wps button on the router and that should flash orange and aswell do the same with the booster as lie press the wps button on the right side of the booster its the same style button like on the router and that should flash orange aswell and when the connection is solid then both lights on router and booster shold both be green and dont worry the lights on both sides of booster and router will go off auto and the middle light on the booster might come on and off while the wps button on the booster is showing a green light but that light on the right will go off auto and i usally wait for both lights on router and booster go off first and the connected light should stay green but if you have a sky q box you can pair to that instead of the router to the booster instead of pairing booster to router sorry for the long winded reply hope that helps 🙂

This message was authored by loverboi This message was authored by: loverboi

Re: Booster disconnected

@Mrs_hughes  no you should have the white booster  (thats if you not got sky max hub the one like the black hub but white if you have sky max you might have a black booster


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