Discussion topic: Account issue - Stuck on a legacy package

This message was authored by Resident1 This message was authored by: Resident1

Account issue - Stuck on a legacy package

I moved onto GigaFast earlier this year and I'm having issues with speed beyond the router.

I have the SR203 router, which is recieving the full 999/115 connection however regardless of whether I use wifi or ethernet I can't get close to that speed. 

WiFi - 160/110 - Fine I know WiFi isn't as fast as Ethernet, but even that seems a little slow, less than 20% of what's been served
Ethernet - Tested with a PC, a laptop and a games console, using Cat7 direct into the router - 350-400/200-220 which is less than 50% of what's being served to the router. 

Spoke to a guy at a Sky kiosk and he said that I'm on a legacy package for the broadband & that the new package is called "Full Fibre Gigafast" not just Gigafast. 

Because of this I'm apparently not eligible for a Wifi 6 router (latest model) but at the same point I cannot be switched to the new package in order to recieve the new router because I'm already on the top package available & to call Sky to get it solved. 

The issue is that I keep getting connected to overseas call centres and they refuse to go off script and just give the standard "Computer says no" answer

The system shows that I'm out of contract for both my TV and broadband and I'm seriously considering just junking it all and moving to Virgin. 

Whilst I understand that this forum isn't monitored by Sky, has anyone ever encountered a similar issue and solved it? 


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Account issue - Stuck on a legacy package

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Can you post your router stats?

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Resident1 This message was authored by: Resident1

Re: Account issue - Stuck on a legacy package


I was actually coming back to update this as resolved when I got your notification. 

I filed a complaint via social media after my OP, after once again speaking to an overseas call centre and yet again the agent refused to move away from his diag flowchart and just kept repeating the same unhelpful answers. 

A lovely lady from the "Director's office" got in contact and we spoke on the phone for about an hour finding a mutual solution.

Part of the issue was that I was still in contract on the legacy package, but there was less than 12 weeks to go & I was gonna recontract anyway if the issue was resolved. 

So she deleted my contract dates from the system, without cancelling my subscription, Change my broadband package to the updated one, dispatched the WiFi 6 router, which arrived this morning and is already online and configured. 

Because it's close to Black Friday, I also got a fantastic deal on my whole TV/Broadband package too. 

WiFi speeds now, between device and router now at a very healthy 850-900Mbps & between 900- 950 on wired devices.

The only annoying thing is that uPnP isn't enabled by default on newer routers so I had to reconfigure that and for bizarre reasons Sky have moved most router configs to the MySky app rather than the router gateway (


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