Discussion topic: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable


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This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

@Laing1 I am only adding what the senior department told me and they don't understand where the information has come from. The person said nothing has been fixed. As mentioned,I told them about here but they said it is not the case and the issue is still being looked at

Let's look at the facts eh @Super+Anthony . Before the announcement on 31/12 that a fix had been implemented, there were dozens of complaints every day about download issues. Since then, there have been half a dozen people in total including yourself who have some sort of download issue (not necessarily related to the original 'networking issue')


That doesn't really suggest 'nothing has been fixed' does it.


Hope you get your issue sorted though.

Sky Mobile
Sky Max Full Fibre 500 broadband
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Doc5907  Not got it fixed but I trust the senior team who I am speaking to. They are not just the customer services but much higher and even higher than the retention team

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Mark-Br  can you clarify where you got the information from please? I spoke to a very senior team today at sky and they have stated  that the issue is still known and has not been fixed. 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by mike1944 This message was authored by: mike1944

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

Well if this is true that Sky have not fixed this yet, my Sky box must have put itself right on its own accord as since the announcement, on I believe New Year's Eve they had a fix, I have had no problems neither has a relation of mine either, we both had had continuous previous download problems. Sky has done something I am sure even if it was a test done to a few boxes of a particular version. The main trouble is that many people phone up Sky and are given different answers from whatever bod answers the phone. Was it not the case that they originally denied there was any problem, or it only affected very few people?

What we no need is somebody from Sky senior management telling us all truthfully what the situation is and what they are actually doing about it and what they have already done about this. Call centre staff are hardly the ones to do this and most of them have not actually got a clue unless it is answered verbatim from a card in front of them.

Everything about this has been dealt with by Sky very badly, to say the least, in fact in the many years I have been a Sky subscriber (ever since analogue days) I have never seen Sky deal so badly with their customers over a problem.





Sky Q with 2 mini boxes
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@mike1944  I agree. I spoke to senior management today and have been liaising with them for a while and have a complaint ticket. But as you stated, we are getting mixed messages and we need confirmation from the top and that will clear it all up

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by grog+arson This message was authored by: grog+arson

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Super+Anthony I think it has been implied from the statement that was made at 09:11 on New Years Eve....


'We have fixed a networking issue. Please could you re-try an On Demand title again?'


But @Mark-Br didn't actually say our problem was fixed, just that they have 'fixed a networking issue'.


I'm assuming that employees aren't allowed to post unless it has been approved?


In fairness, it does appear to be much better now, but clearly not fully fixed.


I agree that there should be some proper response from this so called 'Senior team', but they also need to ensure that their communications are joined up, which is the main frustration beyond the actual problem!!

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@grog+arson  I agree. But mine is still not working. I told the team I am very frustrated but all I got at this stage is it's being looked at and there is nothing that can be done

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by grog+arson This message was authored by: grog+arson

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Super+Anthony That's not really good enough as we are all paying a fair chunk of money a month for this service, and there are alternatives available!

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@grog+arson  I agree completely. To be fair the person on the phone is trying to be helpful, but as a customer who is paying large amounts, I and all the other customers deserve more. I don't think all this negative stuff plus the negative vibes about Sky glass will do their name any good. I do like Sky Q but what is happening at present is simply not good enough

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Harbord This message was authored by: Harbord

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

We have been having this problem for 6-8 months on our SkyQ with 3 mini boxes. Last night was no different. Was trying to download episodes of Spring Tides (STV). Would not download in HD or in SD no matter what tricks we tried. So reverted to Firestick which downloaded perfectly on STV Player. We have assumed that this problem is due to a lack of capacity at Sky during anything other than off peak periods as our wifi is excellent and we have no such problems on Netflix, IPlayer etc. Seems like we can sometimes download at 0800 in the morning but never on a Friday or Saturday. Sky is clearly not doing anything about it and is also not communicating. What is the next best platform to switch to with good navigation ? To add another weirdness we do not have the same problem on our single SkyQ box in London.

This message was authored by grog+arson This message was authored by: grog+arson

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Harbord I think the problem is that most on here are long time Sky users so probably don't have much experience of other services, but from everything I've read, the others aren't really competition for Sky............when it works!


Is the Sky Q box that's working for you a different version, is it running the same software, is it configured the same?

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

It's so disappointing that even Sky don't know the cause of the problem. Still did not work this morning. I will soon look at any further options I can look at. Maybe third party who deal with complaints when the customer is not happy with the outcome

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by SimonInSudbury This message was authored by: SimonInSudbury

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@Super+Anthony wrote:

It's so disappointing that even Sky don't know the cause of the problem. Still did not work this morning. I will soon look at any further options I can look at. Maybe third party who deal with complaints when the customer is not happy with the outcome


Maybe Trading Standards will be able to assist. At least they may be able to advise who else to contact if they are unable to intervene on your behalf. 
I am making 2022 the year of zero tolerance of companies which treat their customers with complete contempt, as Sky has done in this case.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@SimonInSudbury  That's very helpful. I will try and do something this week as it's not sufficient so far from Sky 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: SkyQ Download Failed Item Unavailable

@SimonInSudbury  Found out it's Communications and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS)

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )

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