Discussion topic: Sky Q poor value as regards films

This message was authored by xcometman This message was authored by: xcometman

Sky Q poor value as regards films

  • Why do we keep getting Idris Elba constantly telling us that sky is getting better and better when it is the worst it has ever been. As a platinum customer I am paying £150.0 per month, mainly because of the films but any half decent film goes into sky store and I am expected tp pay again. Total rip off and shall be cancelling soon if it doesn't improve. 

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This message was authored by brianholt This message was authored by: brianholt

Re: Sky Q poor value as regards films

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@xcometman if sky doesnt represent value to you then go ahead and cancel. Your not talking to sky here. Also for the amount your paying its possibly time to ring sky if you decide to stay and negotiate a new deal or put in you cancellation.

Like you I am a fellow customer trying to help so please provide as much info as possible
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This message was authored by bob1234 This message was authored by: bob1234

Re: Sky Q poor value as regards films

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yes I cancelled ages ago, it is cheaper for me to rent the occasional films I want to see from a variety of sources.

EDIT At least I now know who they are paying a probably exorbitant amount of money to do their adverts as far as I was concerned an unknown, so they could have saved a lot of money.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Q poor value as regards films

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @xcometman I think you may misunderstand SKY Store slightly. 


Films typically have 4stages :

  1. Cinema Release 
  2.  Digital Rental & Purchase  & Disc Release ( DVD & Blu Ray)
  3. Subscription channel release (e.g. SKy Cinema) 
  4. Terrestrial TV release


SKY Store usually has films from Stage 2 (& beyond) when people can rent or buy (a digital copy)

Recently due to lack of Cinema releases SKY Store (& others) have had some films at Stage 1 for high rental prices (akin to going to the cinema) 


Only when they reach Stage 3 do they end up on channels such as SKY Cinema although some films don' t come to SKY at this stage but others such as Amazon Prime so it is possible that some films you hoped would appear on SKY Cinema channels do not do so.


Films on SKY Cinema subscrption are never guaranteed and may only be on for a few months before not being available - although many will appear again - especially Classics , Series etc


With the launch of Studios own channels such as Disney + then more films may not reach SKY cinema and may appear earlier on their own subscriptions  


I guess what I am saying is SKY Store can be considered more as separate Store  & not a method to make you pay more for films that will appear eventually on SKY Cinema - it is a case of being patient - just like we have to wiat longer for films to reach terrestrial TV 

This message was authored by Rhonny This message was authored by: Rhonny

Re: Sky Q poor value as regards films

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Why on earth are you paying that much every month? When did you last renegotiate your contract? It's not only Sky's fault you feel it's bad value, it's your own for paying over the odds. And if you don't want to watch any of the films on Sky then don't include it in your package. 


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