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31 Mar 2022 09:02 PM
Hi there @jaybee7, our FTTP connection appears to have been fixed (after 7 days without) and the ONT is showing green lights across the board. Was told by Sky that it was an 'external issue' and that Openreach were working 'through the night' to try to run a new fibre cable. We're not getting anywhere near the advertised download speed however (currently 261Mbps on Ultrafast Plus and should be between 400 and 500Mbps) so will be going back to Sky / Openreach to find out why. Hopefully I don't get the usual 'takes time to settle' response because this is nonsense.
31 Mar 2022 10:12 PM
Thanks for the reply. 7 days! That's a bit worrying. Were you getting full speed before the fault?
At least Sky were giving you some info, I'm just getting 'Openreach can't tell us what the problem is but be sure to call us if it's still not working on the 7th of April' I'm regretting not getting BT and their backup but I thought the newer equipment of FTTP would mean this type of thing was unlikely to happen.
01 Apr 2022 01:00 PM
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@TimmyBGood wrote:
@jaybee7 wrote:I've got Broadband Boost which supposedly 'runs daily checks on my line', if that's the case should this Service Status not be showing that there's an issue, considering my line is completely dead?
The product description for Broadband Boost existed before Sky started reselling FTTP, and I'd suggest it's unclear (and probably unlikely) that the 'daily line checks' actually apply to full fibre: we've always assumed that the 'check' is just to read the figure for inbound speed at the Hub and compare this with the Guaranteed Minimum figure held against the address, but for FTTP a Sky Hub always reports 0Kbs so that wouldn't be possible.
Boost line checks still runs on FTTP. It causes 2-3 brief connection drops daily between 3:30am and 5:45am on Sunday to Friday. No idea why it doesn't run on Saturday. These disconnections are exactly the same as I was getting when I was on FTTC.
As far as I know Boost is just the standard line test that Sky can manually run and forces disconections during the test. I don't think the speed is checked.
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